Macaulay Culkin Just Asked J.K. Rowling For A Harry Potter Role

Macaulay Culkin Just Asked J.K. Rowling For A Harry Potter Role

At this point, it seems like there are only two types of actors, those who have already been in a Harry Potter movie, and those that want to be. For the most part, being from the U.K. has been a prerequisite for being in the first group, but with the Fantastic Beasts franchise now taking on a more global focus, there are more opportunities for other actors. Macaulay Culkin has now spoken up regarding his desire to join the Wizarding World. While we don't see the Home Alone star on screen much these days, he'd apparently be willing if J.K. Rowling puts him in the next movie.

Macaulay Culkin took the opportunity of the recent controversy regarding the human casting of Nagini to reach out to the Harry Potter author, but he made sure to pitch himself to her while he was at it. The highlight has to be the way that he tries to sell himself, making sure that Rowling knows who he is by name-dropping Home Alone, as well as the little-remembered Pagemaster, as evidence of his experience with on-screen magic.

He then follows up the tweet with one tagging Fantastic Beasts co-star Dan Fogler, hoping to get the actor to vouch for him to J.K. Rowling. The actor responds saying that he could see Macaulay Culkin as a student at the American wizarding school, so maybe there's a chance of making this happen.

While I'm not sure if Macaulay Culkin is actually getting a closer to a role in a future Fantastic Beasts movie, I'm not sure it matters. This exchange is actually pretty brilliant. It's not even clear how much Culkin is actually looking for a role and how much he's just having some fun. His original tweet to Dan Fogler includes more of Culkin selling himself as being "from Home Alone 2" and ensuring Fogler that the two of them are friends in real life, a statement which certainly doesn't need to be made if it's true, and is all the funnier if it isn't.

Could we actually see Macauley Culkin in a future Fantastic Beasts movie? Why not? There are supposed to be three more of them on the way after Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, so there will likely be plenty of new roles of varying sizes that the actor could take, especially is the story goes back to the United States for any significant amount of time. Of course, there are a lot of other people who have expressed interest in becoming part of the Wizarding World, so Culkin may need to get in line.

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Comcast Reportedly Has A Plan To Top Disney's Offer And Buy Fox

Comcast Reportedly Has A Plan To Top Disney's Offer And Buy Fox

We've all been treating the Disney and FOX deal as if it's signed, sealed and delivered, but smashing together two companies of those sizes (with lots of subsidiaries) isn't an easy or timely process. Recent estimates by FOX CEO Peter Rice pointed toward Summer 2019 as a possible closing estimate, which leaves plenty of time for a company like Comcast to swoop in with a competing offer, which, apparently, is exactly what the cable giant is planning to do.

According to Reuters, Comcast is currently in talks with various investment banks with an eye toward freeing up $60B... in cash. The framework of the Disney deal involves a lot of stock, which one could sell for cash, of course, but there's just something about the allure of money that has a certain X-factor to it. Will that be enough to make FOX consider nixing the Mouse House and re-open bidding? At this point, it's unclear. I suspect it depends on whether or not the Comcast offer materializes, which is still an if at this point, primarily for one specific reason.

There has been a lot of chatter about whether two companies like FOX and Disney or FOX and Comcast joining forces would be a good thing for consumers. In fact, the United States Department of Justice was so unhappy when AT&T and Time Warner proposed a merger that its lawyers sued to stop it. That case has wound its way through the legal system, and a decision is expected in June. If the courts say no to that deal, the assumption is Comcast would back away from the all cash offer. Why waste time, energy and effort on something that's likely to get shot down? If the deal goes through, however, then sources close to the situation are saying the offer will almost certainly come.

The truth is it's hard to know, from a consumer perspective, which deal is better. Of course comic book fans want to see Fox and Disney (and by extension Marvel) mashed together in order to create crossover movies (even if it costs them a Deadpool joke in the process). And yes, we'd all like to see the X-Men or Fantastic Four in a future Avengers movie, but those properties are just a tiny piece of the puzzle. Which partner would actually be the better support to continue creating great content across the board is a matter of debate, and we'll probably never know the right answer since there's no way to A-B test these mergers.

With increased competition from streaming services like Netflix and an almost market-wide obsession with companies creating and owning their own content, there are arguably more players at the table than ever before. Whether it remains its own entity or not, here's to hoping FOX or its influence are responsible for decades more worth of incredible movies.

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