Twilight Alum Dakota Fanning Thinks Robert Pattinson As Batman Is 'Awesome'


Twilight Alum Dakota Fanning Thinks Robert Pattinson As Batman Is 'Awesome'

Despite his other work and serious roles in indie films from auteurs like David Cronenberg, actor Robert Pattinson is still best known for playing sparkly vampire Edward Cullen in the Twilight franchise. That perception is likely part of the backlash to the reports that he is in talks to play the Caped Crusader in Matt Reeves Batman film. That aversion to his casting is not shared by fellow Twilight alum Dakota Fanning, who supports Robert Pattinson in the role, as she explained:

I think it's awesome. I love Rob, and he's great, and he's great in whatever he does.

While speaking with Variety at the Cannes Film Festival where her new film Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is premiering, Dakota Fanning expressed real confidence in the talents of Robert Pattinson to be great in whatever role he takes on. That includes Batman, and Dakota Fanning seemed to be genuinely excited and happy for her fellow Twilight alum.

Although I wouldnt expect Dakota Fanning to boo the casting of her former co-star or advocate people sign a silly petition (those always work) to have him removed from the role, it is nice to hear that she has positive feelings about him and what he can do. And she would know. The actress starred in three Twilight movies as Jane, a member of the villainous Volturi coven set against Robert Pattinsons Edward and Kristen Stewarts Bella.

So she has gotten to know him and seen his acting in person on set, giving her greater insight into his abilities. Its also possible that shes actually seen him in more than just the Twilight movies and has a better knowledge of his work and range as an actor and that informs her faith in him playing Batman.

Robert Pattinson has Dakota Fanning in his corner, but as is seemingly the case with every big time superhero casting, hell have to prove himself to many fans. Rightly or wrong, he is still known mainly for Twilight-- even though he has proven to be much more than that in plenty of other films. But even if fans acknowledge he is a good actor, they may still not see him as Batman.

Thats understandable and like Ben Affleck before him in the role or Heath Ledger as Joker or Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, it will take time if that acceptance is to happen at all. Now may be the right time for him to take on the role though, with DC trying new things and the details about Matt Reeves exact vision for his movie The Batman still under wraps.

It's also important to note that we also still dont know with 100% certainty that Robert Pattinson will be Bruce Wayne in The Batman. That seems to be the way things are trending but until the deal is final its not final and other reports say that Nicholas Hoult is still in the running for the part. Whoever gets it, hell be possibly be facing off with Penguin and Catwoman, two of the films reported villains.

The Batman is scheduled for release on June 25, 2021. While we await that, there are plenty of other movies hitting theaters this summer, check them out in our 2019 Release Schedule.

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