Black Panthers Honest Trailer Pokes Fun At T'Challa


Black Panthers Honest Trailer Pokes Fun At T'Challa

Black Panther hit Blu-ray and DVD this week, which means it's a perfect time to pull together footage from the Marvel film and talk about some of its less fine points. Although Black Panther's honest trailer is less brutal than some of the ones we've seen in time past, there are still a few things about the Marvel movie that are joke-worthy, or at least worth pointing out. Among them is one thing that sets Chadwick Boseman's Black Panther apart from other major superheroes, and you can check out the analysis, below

Chadwick Boseman has been doing a lot of Wakanda salutes over the past several weeks, thanks to the double whammy that was Black Panther and then Infinity War, but although he has a catchy symbol, the character is less into the catchy phrases. In fact, T'Challa is more likely to grunt than to make a pithy comment during his solo movie, and the latest Screen Junkies outting has a lot of fun with that, noting he "Just. Won't. Quip," even when like every other member of the cast is being funny behind him. There's even cut-to footage of Peter Quill being a smartass in comparison.

There's a lot of poking fun at Wakanda itself, as well. Although Wakanda sitting out of major world events doesn't really make a huge difference in Black Panther itself, the trailer is sure to point out that the country stayed hidden through most of the major events of the 20th Century --like World War II -- as well as major events in Marvel history, like that time Loki invaded Earth with creepy-huge alien monsters and caused a major world event.

Spoilers in this paragraph! Not to mention there are a lot of jokes at the fact that this movie had two quality villains and chose to cut them both, which fits along with Andy Serkis recently revealing he is definitely not planning to return to the MCU as Ulysses Klaw. So if you were holding out hope, this part of the trailer might sting a little.e

Of course, that all changes in Avengers: Infinity War, but so as not to get too spoilery in a piece about a different Marvel flick, we won't super get into that. Suffice to say, we knew from the end of Black Panther that Wakanda had finally changed its position on, you know, sharing its information and technology with the rest of the planet. It's still worth a few jokes at Wakanda's expense, though.

If you'd like to give Black Panther another watch, you can catch it on Blu-ray, DVD or Digital now. Or be sure to check out Avengers: Infinity War if you haven't seen it once or five times yet, either. Or check out which Marvel movies are still coming up.

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