Watch Dogs React To The John Wick 3 Trailer, Just Because


Watch Dogs React To The John Wick 3 Trailer, Just Because

Dogs have always been important to the John Wick movies, the first film's entire story was set in motion following the death of a beloved pet and John Wick has never had a dog too far away from him since. To that end, just what do dogs think of the first trailer for John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum? Well, now we know, and like most of us probably feel, they seem at least mildly interested. Check it out.

For the most part, it looks like the dogs are at least curious about the third John Wick movie. There is, at the very least, some interest from one little guy who spends the entire trailer barking at it, and another who's ears perk up when the shooting starts and appear to stay that way for the duration. None of the dogs appear to not be paying any attention, so there's clearly something worthwhile happening here.

The trailer for John Wick Chapter 3 - Parabellum dropped last week and it reintroduced us to everybody's favorite unstoppable killing machine. At the end of Chapter 2 John Wick had found himself on the wrong side of his underworld organization, and as such is on the run. We see him literally running in the rain with his dog, who he picked up at the end of the first movie, following the death of the puppy that had been the final gift of Wick's now dead wife.

What happens to the new dog in John Wick Chapter 3 we don't really know. We don't seem the pooch past this one shot. One would certainly hope John finds a safe place to stash him. Nobody is after the dog after all, and I'm not sure I can take another senseless dog death.

Human deaths, on the other hand, are little problem in the John Wick films and the new trailer promises there will be many of those. The dogs watching the trailer don't seem to mind too much either.

The trailer does give us a couple other dogs, a pair owned by Halle Berry's character Sofia. Unfortunately, the video put together by IGN doesn't actually give us the complete trailer, and so we don't know what the dogs viewing it think of them. We know the dogs will play some sort of role in the film, as, like John Wick's history with dogs, these animals have a personal connection to Berry's character Sofia, somebody that John goes to for help.

Hopefully, John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum will end with all of our favorite humans and dogs having safely made it through. We'll find out when the movie hits theaters in May.

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