The Character Sebastian Stan's White Wolf Will Spend Most Of Infinity War With


The Character Sebastian Stan's White Wolf Will Spend Most Of Infinity War With

Each of the Marvel Cinematic Universe heroes have dealt with their fair share of struggles, but Bucky Barnes has especially been through the ringer. After nearly dying during World War II, he was brainwashed by HYDRA and killed on behalf of the organization for decades as the Winter Soldier. Even after HYDRA was overthrown, Bucky still dealt with the lingering programming left in his head, but as of Black Panther, he finally seems to be on the road to recovery. Now going by White Wolf, Bucky will team up with his fellow MCU heroes to protect Wakanda during Avengers: Infinity War, but of those allies, Sebastian Stan says that his character spends the most time with Anthony Mackie's Sam Wilson, a.k.a. Falcon. Stan said:

Fortunately, there's a lot of kind people that point to where to look and who to follow. I haven't met even half of the people in this cast yet. I've done the majority of my screen time with my friend, Anthony Mackie.

With a cast as large as Avengers: Infinity War's, it'd be ridiculously difficult, if not downright impossible, to ensure that everyone receives equal screen time with one another. So it's to be expected that certain characters will be paired together for longer than they are with others, and in the case of Bucky Barnes, it appears that he'll be hanging out with Falcon for much of the movie. As Sebastian Stan also noted to ET, while Bucky will reunite with Steve Rogers during Infinity War, because they've gone through different life experiences, their relationship isn't necessarily the same as it was back when they were buddies in the 1930s and 40s. So even though Bucky and Steve are still friends, perhaps the former will end up forming a unique fond with Falcon during the hectic events in Infinity War.

Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson first crossed paths in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, although since Bucky was still HYDRA's brainwashed assassin at that point, that doesn't technically count as an official meeting. By Captain America: Civil War, the two men eventually ended up working together, although Sam clearly still held a grudge against Bucky's past actions as evidenced by refusing to move up his car seat. I'd like to think that Sam was also upset that with Bucky back in the picture, he was worried about losing the position of being Steve Rogers' best friend. In any case, White Wolf and Falcon will have their hands in Avengers: Infinity War busy preventing Thanos' hordes from invading Wakanda, but maybe during the calmer moments, these two can finally establish a good rapport with each other.

Avengers: Infinity War hits theaters on April 27, and as for what else the MCU has coming up, head to our Marvel movies guide.

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