Gal Gadot Rocked Batman's Cowl For Halloween


Gal Gadot Rocked Batman's Cowl For Halloween

There's a popular saying seen across the internet and emblazoned on T-shirts that goes "Always be yourself, unless you can be Batman, then always be Batman." It speaks to the popularity of the Dark Knight and desire among all of us to don the cowl and become a superhero. It seems that desire extends to those who play other superheroes as well, as Gal Gadot posted a picture of herself rocking Batman's cowl for Halloween. Check it out.

This image was apparently taken on the set of Justice League, and even though she already plays an iconic superhero and is Wonder Woman to millions of fans, it seems Gal Gadot still wanted to see what it would be like to be Batman. Lucky for her she has connections and didn't have to slave away on an expensive cosplay outfit; she got to try on the real thing.

She rocks a tiara, bracelets and a badass sword and shield, but even Gal Gadot couldn't help getting excited wearing the Batman cowl, as she says in this Instagram post. She even quotes Batman's popular line, the oft-used simple and effective introduction to criminals "I'm Batman." It's a shame she couldn't take the cowl from set for Halloween. It could have been the basis of a killer costume.

The cowl looks good on her too, although Alfred is definitely going to need to tailor the suit and take it in a little. Maybe it's just because it doesn't fit properly and she's much smaller than Batfleck, but that cowl looks super heavy. Still, Gal Gadot makes a solid Batman, or more accurately, Batwoman.

Maybe Gal Gadot can use this image to make a case to play the next Batman. It seems unlikely at this point that Ben Affleck will reprise the role in Matt Reeves' film and Gal Gadot is the one part of the DCEU that everyone seems on board with. Of course, the DCEU is going to need a new Superman too, so maybe she should just take a page out of Thanos' book and tell Warner Bros. "Fine, I'll do it myself" and play all the roles.

Gal Gadot would certainly make a good Batwoman, but she's still got plenty of work cut out for her as Wonder Woman. Diana Prince will next appear in Wonder Woman 1984 where she will be taking on Kristen Wiig's Cheetah. The sequel was recently pushed back to 2020.

It'll be a while before we see Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman or whoever winds up rocking the cowl next as Batman on the big screen, but there are plenty of movies, superhero and otherwise, to look forward too. Check them out in our 2019 release schedule.

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