See The Cool Suit The Flash Almost Wore In Zack Snyders Batman v Superman


See The Cool Suit The Flash Almost Wore In Zack Snyders Batman v Superman

The DC Extended Universe has had a fascinating tenure, even though it's still very much in its infancy. A ton of projects have been announced, while only a few have actually made it to theaters-- with Wonder Woman being DC's only critical success. Zack Snyder's Justice League had the opportunity to kickstart the shared universe, although a family tragedy caused the director to depart the movie, and Joss Whedon to step in to complete the blockbuster. Justice League featured the official introductions of characters like Aquaman, Cyborg, and Flash, and their loved ones. The latter is played by Ezra Miller, and a new concept image shows off a very different costume for the Scarlet Speedster. Check it out.

How cool is that? While less detailed and Snyder-esque, this potential Flash costume probably would have excited the fans. After all, it is far brighter and more comic book faithful. And considering how much comic fans look for accurate adaptations of the source material, you can see why the above image might have been a more exciting choice for some.

This new image, which comes to us from artist Jerad S.Marantz, is awesome, but probably wouldn't have fit in to Zack Snyder's typically monochromatic world. While Justice League wasn't quite as dark and grey as Batman v Superman or Man of Steel, the vibrancy of The Flash's red suit is definitely a bit too bright for the Snyder-verse. Furthermore, this suit is much better constructed than the one Ezra Miller's Barry Allen rocked during the events of Justice League.

Ultimately, The Flash wore a costume that was far more haphazard and poorly made. While Barry Allen is a smart and capable young metahuman, he was one of the most inexperienced members of The League. And while the hero may get an upgrade from Bruce Wayne now that they're buddies, The Flash's damaged and messy costume for Justice League helped show how the character's naivety and lack of battle experience.

It should be interesting to see how The Flash's costume, and the character itself, changes as the DC universe grows. It looks like both Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill may be leaving their roles at Batman and Superman, so the DCEU might need to lean on its already established heroes like Flash and Cyborg. The Flash's solo movie has been developing for years, and has lost three directors along the way. With so much of the live-action franchise in the air, a Flashpoint movie has the opportunity to reset the shared universe as a whole. We'll just have to wait and see what happens to Ezra Miller's Flash, and what costume the young hero wears during his next adventure.

The next installment in the DCEU is James Wan's Aquaman on December 21st, 2018. In the meantime, check out our 2018 release list to plan your next trip tot he movies.

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Early #Flash concept model for #batmanvssuperman This was my very first pass on the suit when flash was going to appear in the movie. #zbrush #costume #dc #dcuniverse #concepart #conceptmodel #bvs #dcu #theflash

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