Macaulay Culkin Totally Watched Home Alone With His Girlfriend


Macaulay Culkin Totally Watched Home Alone With His Girlfriend

In the past we've heard how Macaulay Culkin doesn't really watch his 1990 Christmas classic Home Alone anymore. It's an understandable position; I imagine not all actors want to see themselves onscreen annually, and this is perhaps doubly so for an actor who is always recognized for a role he played as a kid. But Macaulay Culkin is willing to make exceptions, and he totally watched Home Alone with his girlfriend. As he explained:

She's flipping through the channels and she's like, 'Eh, you wanna watch it?' I'm like, 'You wanna watch Home Alone with Macaulay Culkin, don't you?' And she's like, 'Yes!'

Macaulay Culkin has clearly experienced this situation more than once as he told Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show, implying that it is a standard occurrence when he has a new girlfriend, especially around the holidays when Home Alone is inescapable. So naturally when watching TV together, Macaulay Culkin's boo is bound to see his younger face, and want the experience of watching the classic film with the real Kevin McCallister.

The actor knows this and he is a good sport about it. Macaulay Culkin doesn't have doesn't have the same experience with Home Alone as the rest of us; to him it was part of his life and a job, not a Christmas classic that is a staple of his childhood. But for his girlfriend, it probably was the latter and despite his general reticence to watching it, he gives the lady what she wants, as he elaborated:

I have indulged that. Most of the time I'm just muttering my lines under my breath, like, 'Keep the change you filthy animal.' Whatever gets her motor running, I guess.

Macaulay Culkin you filthy animal, all these years later and still setting booby traps (ba dum tss!). At least he's honest about it; if watching Home Alone with him is a something that strikes her fancy, that seems like an easy sacrifice to make. And while he previously wasn't interested in watching the holiday classic, the right company changed his mind.

Just so long as he doesn't accidentally turn on My Girl, lest his girlfriend, or really any person with a heart in the room, be left in a puddle when Vada starts saying of Macaulay Culkin's Thomas J. "He can't see without his glasses."

Macaulay Culkin might not be the most fun person to watch Home Alone with though, if he's muttering his lines under his breath the whole time. But if you also know all of Kevin's dialogue, it might be a uniquely enjoyable experience.

Then again, fans might want to hear Macaulay Culkin deliver the lines and make the face with enthusiasm, not under his breath. But given that he's probably recited those lines and made that face countless times, you can see how now he would only do it begrudgingly.

Home Alone is a Christmas classic that isn't going anywhere but there are plenty of new movies this year vying for their own spot on your annual holiday watch list. Check them out some of the original holiday movies you can watch on Netflix right now. And if you're looking for a gift for the special movie fan in your life, take a look at our 2018 Holiday Gift Guide.

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