Captain Marvel Fan Watches Film 116 Times To Break World Record

Captain Marvel Fan Watches Film 116 Times To Break World Record

A Wisconsin chiropractor has been workin' like a Flerken to watch Captain Marvel over and over in local theaters to break the Guinness World Record.

Steve Ruppel "only" had to watch the MCU movie 104 times to break the current record for most times seeing the same movie in the theater, but he went for 116 times to try and make sure he'll keep the record for a while.

To be official, I have to have certain pictures taken, like in front of a movie poster, and I need to have two written witness statements saying that I was actually there. So I'm trying to think, if anyone wanted to break this, I really don't want to re-break it. Cause this has been pretty tough. It's been a finite amount of time, but I don't think I'm going to try this one again.

Can you imagine? The person with the previous record must be seething with Seinfeld/Newman resentment that this guy swooped in and stole his superheroic title.

Steve Ruppel told his local WSAW news the most he's ever seen is seven showings in one day. So far, his 116 viewings total 14,268 minutes of Captain Marvel footage:

The amount of time that it takes, I've had to take time off work, I would take long lunch breaks to accommodate watching an entire movie in that particular time frame. And then just time on the weekends where I'm not doing other things.

So the big question: Why? For the love of Goose, why do this?

I thought it was the most insane thing ever, I thought it was impossible. I wasn't even sure why it was even a record, but I thought after a while 'I should probably do that.'

This is not Steve Ruppel's first Guinness World Record. Apparently he has made it a hobby to break records, and this is his fifth -- the Wisconsin news reports one of his previous four included running a half marathon wearing the most amount of t-shirts.

So it's not like he's just such a massive Captain Marvel superfan he HAD to see Carol Danvers (Brie Larson) and Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) on screen 116 times. However, he did add that he picked this movie because he loves superhero films and figured it would be a good fit to break this particular record, since he knew Captain Marvel would be playing in theaters for a while. If you're wondering why he didn't pick a movie under two hours, well...

Looking back on it now, I might almost consider a Disney movie, because they're usually shorter and probably around for a while, but that singing would drive me crazy. It really would.

Watching the same movie 116 times in a theater would drive me crazy. I'm still amazed that he had the time and money to do that. Good for him, I guess? Marvel Studios should send him a thank you card for contributing to all of the money Captain Marvel has made at this point, over $1 billion and counting.

He probably didn't wait to try to break the record with Avengers: Endgame viewings because that movie is over three hours long and many other MCU fans will surely watch that hundreds of times.

Clearly, Steve Ruppel is prepared for Carol Danvers' role in what's to come, since he must have everything she said and did memorized by now. How about you? Are you ready for Endgame? It opens in theaters this Friday, April 26. Be careful of spoilers, since even more may come out in the days leading up to the opening. Here's what else is headed to theaters in 2019.

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Avengers Box Office: Infinity War Made Some Crazy Money In Its Second Weekend

Avengers Box Office: Infinity War Made Some Crazy Money In Its Second Weekend

Big shocker for you: Avengers: Infinity War is still the biggest movie in the world, and it is only getting bigger. Not only is the blockbuster now the record holder for being the fastest film to ever make $1 billion, but it also just had the second biggest second weekend of all time. Check out the full Top 10 below, and join me for analysis after!

With a domestic opening weekend haul of $257.7 million last time around, Avengers: Infinity War was always going to have a massive second weekend, and it didn't disappoint. It wasn't able to break the record previously set by Star Wars: The Force Awakens in late 2015, which would have required a total north of $149 million, but you can't exactly look down on the numbers. The Marvel movie is still riding high on great reviews and its "A" CinemaScore, and the final figures definitely show that. All together now, the new film from directors Joe and Anthony Russo has made $450.8 million domestically, and $1.16 billion globally.

So what's the roof on this? It's hard to say. Avengers: Infinity War has certainly sparked a cultural phenomenon, but as will be discussed in a bit, this was a fairly easy week for the film. Studios were very aware that the Marvel adventure would be a massive hit, and so other major tentpoles were kept at a distance... but that breathing room ends next week. Not only will fans see the arrival of another comic book movie in the form of David Leitch's Deadpool 2 on May 18th (the R-rated comedy is already doing fantastic in pre-sales), but one week later will find Disney dropping the next chapter in the Star Wars franchise: Ron Howard's Solo: A Star Wars Story. Avengers will certainly keep climbing the all-time charts and will probably end up in the Top 10, but its ascent may be a bit slower than if it had been released in a less busy blockbuster season.

As mentioned Avengers: Infinity War didn't exactly face down insane competition this weekend, but there were three other new releases that made their way on to the charts. First up is Rob Greenberg's remake of the Kurt Russell-Goldie Hawn comedy Overboard, which was the only title outside of Avengers that made eight figures or more. The movie didn't exactly have critics on its side, as its currently rocking a 30 percent on Rotten Tomatoes - but audiences are really digging it, and it actually manged to get an "A-" on CinemaScore. Certainly a portion of the box office success can be attributed to the popularity of Eugenio Derbez, who has proven very popular among Latino audiences, and has proven to be a draw.

The story isn't as positive for Jason Retiman's Tully, which was released in 270 fewer theaters than Overboard, and landed only sixth place in its first weekend. The movie wasn't exactly made with a enormous blockbuster budget, but it still seems that it has a road to travel before profits. It's a shame, because its been critically hailed, and I would personally go as far as to say that it's the best movie that Reitman has made so far. Hopefully positive word of mouth will spread and it will get to hang out in the back end of the Top 10 for a little while slowly adding to its domestic total.

Finally we have Dean Devlin's Bad Samaritan, and... there isn't much good news to share. Opening in 10th place, the film was actually released in more theaters than the previous two mentioned, but still only pulled in $1.8 million. It's a shame, given that David Tennant is a talented actor, but this is definitely not the project that is going to turn him into a Hollywood star. Maybe next time.

We still don't have any big blockbusters coming out on Friday, but we will see the latest from Melissa McCarthy in Life of the Party; and Gabrielle Union kicking home invader ass in Breaking In. I'll be back next Sunday to see how they help reshape the Top 10, so join me then!

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