Avengers: Endgame Made Chris Evans Choke Up Three Times


Avengers: Endgame Made Chris Evans Choke Up Three Times

In less than one month, Avengers: Endgame will be in theaters. Marvel is hyping this one up like crazy and fans have been readying themselves for a real emotional journey. It's highly likely that we will be saying goodbye to some favorite characters either because they walk off into the sunset or they die. Blood will be spilled and tears will be shed. Take it from Chris Evans, who has supposedly only seen the first hour of the Endgame, but also supposedly knows the entire script's story, and he "choked up" three times.

Avengers: Endgame is the culmination of the MCU's "Infinity Saga," a 22 film long journey that began a little over a decade. So little is known about this movie that fan theories have been popping up left and right to fill the information gap. Even the directors of Endgame, the Russo Bros., say that there are more spoilers in this film than last summer's Avengers: Infinity War, a movie which ended with half of the characters dying in a fit of cosmic genocide.

Speaking of that spoiler-heavy ending, I can distinctly remember the sniffles and soft sobs of my theater as the Avengers were snapped out of existence by Thanos. It was an extremely emotional experience and a real gut punch of ending. We've known that Endgame would likely have its fair share of heartbreak before the credits roll and Chris Evans may have confirmed that.

In an in-depth interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Chris Evans said that he had only seen the first hour of Endgame. However, whether addressing that footage or the entire three-hour script's story, he said Endgame left him on the verge of tears three separate times.

Chris Evans: [I]t's a good one. It's a real good one. I saw, like, the first hour of it.So you watched it up to the point where Cap dies?Chris Evans [joking]: Right, exactly. After I die by Tony's hand, I just said, You know what? I can't watch this.And later, in the same interview...Chris Evans: Man. This one's really good. I choked up like three times.Because Cap dies?Chris Evans: Right. It's hard. Seeing my own death. [He laughs] It's going to be a long movie, that's for sure. The first edit clocked in over three hours. My funeral's like an hour.

Of course, Chris Evans is just joking about having a funeral, but it's long been expected that Captain America will die in Endgame. It's been on of the most consistent theories that this will be his last rodeo, something that Evans has not really confirmed or denied.

As far as the crying goes, fans may want to bring some tissues with them. The film is reportedly over three hours long, which leaves plenty of room to tug at the heart strings multiple times. Only time will tell how it stacks up with the ending of Infinity War, but Endgame is sure to be a wild ride.

Avengers: Endgame is all set to be released on April 26. The film is tracking for an absolutely massive opening, so be sure to reserve your tickets (whenever it is that they go on sale). To learn more about the movie, here's what we know so far.

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