Rocketman Villain John Reid Is In Bohemian Rhapsody Too, Heres The Full Story


Rocketman Villain John Reid Is In Bohemian Rhapsody Too, Heres The Full Story

In director Dexter Fletchers musical-fantasy biopic Rocketman, the story of Elton Johns origins, triumphs, and struggles in the music industry are shown in connection to his relationship with then-manager John Reid. Played by Game of Thrones Richard Madden, Reid is played off as basically the villain in the story of Elton Johns rise to fame, and his attempts to cope with its pressures through drugs and drink.

What makes for even more of an interesting note is the fact that last year, another big ticket biopic highlighted the contributions of John Reid to the music industry. In the case of Bohemian Rhapsody though, theres a big difference with John Reids depiction in the very same film that Dexter Fletcher helped direct not too long before jumping into Rocketman.

Comparing the two versions of John Reid is an interesting exercise, especially when discussing how both films tackle their very similar subject matter. With that in mind, heres the full story of why John Reid is in both Rocketman and Bohemian Rhapsody, and how hes portrayed in both films.

John Reids Connection To Both Elton John And Freddie MercuryAs a musical manager, John Reid handled two of the hottest clients anyone could have ever gotten their hands on in the 1970s: Elton John and Queen. In the case of Elton John, despite Rocketmans sentiments that John was free from his managers grasp by the end of the film, the truth is that John Reid actually managed Elton John from his signing in 1970 until 1998, just a year short of his retirement from music management.

His tenure with Queen was shorter lived, and apparently not as dramatic as his firing in Bohemian Rhapsody was depicted. Serving as the manager to the band between 1975 and 1978, the parting between the band and John Reid was mutually friendly. Though these portraits of John Reid and his service to the music industry do draw interesting contrasts to how both Rocketman and Bohemian Rhapsody use him for their narrative purposes.

How John Reid Is Portrayed In RocketmanIn Rocketman, Richard Maddens John Reid is initially shown as a romantic figure whom Taron Egertons Elton John falls naively in love with. Eventually, their relationship sours as Reid turns into a character more focused on his business empire who enjoys making money off of representing Johns career, rather than truly loving Elton. By the end of the film, Elton John seems to have made peace with their relationship not being an authentic one, and learns to love himself again.

Were a biopic to have a need for a villain, Rocketmans John Reid definitely qualifies as one. With his seemingly cold-hearted demeanor when dealing with Elton John, particularly as his excesses and insecurity consume him in the film, hes made out to be the big bad of the films story. While his portrayal in Bohemian Rhapsody isnt all sunshine and rainbows either, it certainly paints him to a lesser degree of villainy.

How John Reid Is Portrayed In Bohemian RhapsodyPortrayed by fellow Game of Thrones alum Aiden Gillen, Bohemian Rhapsodys John Reid is a gentler figure than shown in Rocketman. Meeting the band in the now infamously edited pub scene, Reid seems to get the cut of the bands jib. For most of the film, John Reid is seen as sort of a yes man to the band, as he defends their artistic vision in front of Mike Myers Ray Foster, as the latter tries to stifle the vision of both Bohemian Rhapsody and the album it called its home, A Night At The Opera.

Though when the time comes to pick an alternate single when Bohemian Rhapsodys titular track is in danger, this version of John Reid doesnt shy away from throwing out other options. Then, of course, theres the big firing scene, where Rami Maleks Freddie Mercury fires John Reid for even suggesting he go solo in the name of a lucrative offer. Which, as was pointed out previously, was debunked by Queens following manager Jim Miami Beach. The parting, according to Beach, was on really friendly terms.

Why Rocketman And Bohemian Rhapsody Never Crossed OverNow some of you may be thinking about how fun a crossover between both Rocketman and Bohemian Rhapsody could have been. Two huge musical biopics, with John Reid adjacent to the action and taking place during the same era, might have been a shoo-in for at least one crossover scene. Even more so when accounting the fact Dexter Fletcher worked as a director on both. But that prospect was dismissed by Fletcher himself for a pretty sound reason. He noted:

There was an idea I had one point, where Eltons in a restaurant with his mother. I thought John Reid and Freddie could be at another table and they wave at each other! That would have been amazing, [but] it didnt come to pass. It wouldve been a little too knowing. Im not looking to set out to make a cinematic universe!

As much of a musical fantasy as Rocketman is supposed to be, a wink and a nod cameo by Rami Malek reprising the role of Freddie Mercury would have been just a hair too much. Even Fletcher himself stated that he didnt want the audience to think that he was all of a sudden creating a musical biopic cinematic universe. Just as easily as the thought of Mercury and John Reid toasting Elton John in one of the films dour restaurant scenes had occurred, the concept was dashed, and history took its natural course.

With two varying depictions of his career in the 70s on screen, John Reids legacy as a musical manager means very different things depending on which film youre running with. In terms of Bohemian Rhapsody, he was a bit of an overly ambitious man who knew how to play both sides so as to smooth over negotiations on both sides. While Rocketman shows Reid as more of an icy businessman who isnt afraid to push Elton John to his limits and has him performing shows even shortly after a heart attack.

Biopics show their subjects in the best light possible to tell their story, and both films have done just that. So while neither may adhere solely to the letter of history, theyve used the real events that John Reid was a part of, and turned them into box office victory.

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