Avengers: Endgame Will Have Different Tone Than Infinity War, Despite Being Filmed Concurrently


Avengers: Endgame Will Have Different Tone Than Infinity War, Despite Being Filmed Concurrently

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is in perhaps the most exciting time in its ten year life. Three Phases of movies will come to a head when Avengers: Endgame arrives in a month, and the stakes couldn't be higher. The Russo Brothers will follow up with the surviving heroes after the harrowing events of Infinity War, which saw Thanos succeed in his quest and wipe out half the galaxy with the snap of a finger. It's a brand new world, and according to the Russos, the blockbuster will have a wholly unique tone.

With Captain Marvel in the rear view and only a month left until Avengers: Endgame finally arrives in theaters, the Russo Brothers can finally start getting chatty about the film's contents. While obviously still keeping their cards close the chest, the brief trailers and occasional statements are enough to keep the fans satiated for this final stretch. Joe Russo recently spoke to the big differences between Endgame and its predecessor, saying:

I will say that the movie is definitely unique in tone. It has its own spirit thats different than Infinity War, which is why I was keen for us to separate the movies. Of course, were handing off narratives and its been serialized over 22 movies. But, its different tonally than Infinity War and it is told from a different point of view. It was important for us in our minds as film directors to separate those two because we do not want to make the same movie twice, and ways that you can differentiate films are through tone and point of view.

Now this is exciting. Because while Infinity War and Endgame were filmed largely simultaneously, it looks like the duo of directors were careful to give each movie its own respective tone. The first movie was a massive ensemble project that followed Thanos as the protagonist, while the sequel appears to be focused on the survivors of The Decimation, and the bleak world they inhabit.

Joe Russo's comments to Box Office Pro further show how methodically he and his brother Anthony approached their pair of Avengers movies. It's this attention to detail and artistic vision that allowed the directors to balance such a huge mass of characters, and craft Infinity War into a project that exceeded expectations.

The tone Joe Russo referenced is something very obvious in the Avengers: Endgame trailers, so moviegoers should already see where the blockbuster is going. Things look decidedly dark, as the galaxy is left to pick up the pieces after half of all life perished. And with all of the OG Avengers still alive and well, smart money says there will be a great focus on the likes of Iron Man, Black Widow, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, And Hawkeye/Ronin.

All will be revealed when Avengers: Endgame arrives in April 26th. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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