Universal Studios Just Added The Naked Glitter Farting Troll To The Parks


Universal Studios Just Added The Naked Glitter Farting Troll To The Parks

Theres no shortage of unique spectacles to be seen at theme parks. Disney Parks and Universal Studios are always updating their attractions to draw in more crowds and give their guests a different experience every time they visit, such as the upcoming addition of Star Wars Land at Disneyland and Disney World. The newest and most hilarious addition to Universal Orlando includes the honor(?) to meet the naked-and-proud character from 2016s Trolls who farts glitter. Seriously check out it below!

Okay, so its more of a glitter puff, but there you have it thats Universals newest meet-and-greet attraction! Its sure to get the kids giggling and estrange some parents about the butt-naked character shaking it all around the KidZone area of the parks.

Since DreamWorks Trolls became popular among the kiddies, Princess Poppy and Branch have been meeting guests at Universal Orlando, but they have recently been joined by Guy Diamond, per this footage from Attractions Magazine. The supporting troll voiced by Big Bang Theorys Kunal Nayyar is a body confident, auto-tune talker in the 2016 animated film.

The trio of Trolls characters usually make their rounds in the parks six times a day, so that means you can catch at least six glitter puffs during your next visit! Lets just take a moment to think about the person under the characters costume: one day they can put glitter farting troll on their resume and tell their grandchildren about the odd, but hilarious job of their youth.

Whats even funnier is theme park characters usually arent allowed to disclose who they play in the parks to avoid people addressing them with their real name and messing with the illusion. So, the person under the glitter-farting troll mask could be living quite the secret double life.

Anyway, Trolls may not have been DreamWorks biggest hit, but the animated film still made a splash at the box office in 2016 when it grossed over $346 million at the box office and famously launched the Oscar nominated pop hit Cant Stop This Feeling by Justin Timberlake.

The movie starred Timberlake as a gloomy troll named Branch who lives amongst his carefree singing, dancing and hugging people, led by Princess Poppy, who is played by Anna Kendrick. The lead cast was also joined by Gwen Stefani, James Corden and Zooey Deschanel, and featured new renditions of classic songs such as Cyndi Laupers True Colors and Lionel Richies Hello."

A sequel titled Trolls World Tour is already in the works with Timberlake, Kendrick and Nayyar returning, along with Jamie Dornan, Sam Rockwell, Kelly Clarkson and Chance the Rapper joining the new cast. It will surely feature some more music and antics from the troll gang. Trolls World Tour hit theaters on April 10, 2020.

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