Lynda Carters Blunt Thoughts About Wonder Woman Getting No Oscar Nominations


Lynda Carters Blunt Thoughts About Wonder Woman Getting No Oscar Nominations

Wonder Woman was one of the most popular movies of last year, so much so that many thought it might be considered for Academy Awards. Unfortunately, that did not happen. The movie was left out entirely, which doesn't make TV's Wonder Woman, Lynda Carter, very happy. She thinks the film should have been nominated in at least a couple categories, including writing and visual effects. According to Carter...

I was really happy to see they showed a clip of the film during the Oscars, even though they didn't nominate it for anything. Anything. It should have been nominated. They were left out of special effects, writing, everything. Patty did an amazing job. The essence of the character is not an easy one to find the right balance of. Patty got it.

A lot of people were hoping for some pretty significant Oscar nominations for Wonder Woman. There were many who thought a Best Director nomination for Patty Jenkins wouldn't be unwarranted and while that was certainly a long shot, there's little argument that Wonder Woman should have been in the conversation for some of the technical awards. Lynda Carter tells The Daily Beast that, beyond simply being considered, she feels Wonder Woman should have been good enough for a nomination in at least some categories.

The visual effects Academy Award went to Blade Runner 2049, which is difficult to argue with. One superhero movie was nominated for the award, but it was Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 rather than Wonder Woman.

Lynda Carter also specifically mentions writing as one area where the film could have seen a nomination. The story of Wonder Woman was absolutely better than most other comic book adaptations, though it becomes a bit more formulaic towards the end. Again, a comic book movie did see a nomination in the Best Adapted Screenplay category this year, but it was for Logan rather than Wonder Woman.

The good news for fans who would like to see Wonder Woman get recognized is that the film will get another chance, so to speak. The sequel is already planned for a 2019 release, and it will be out near the end of the year, which means the movie will be fresher in the minds of Academy voters. If Wonder Woman 2 can follow-up on its areas of success, and polish up the places where it can improve, perhaps the sequel will get recognized in ways the original was not. Until then, Wonder Woman will be forced to make due with its paltry $800 million box office and the fact that it has inspired countless women and girls around the world.

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