Tomb Raider 2 Just Took A Major Step Forward

Tomb Raider 2 Just Took A Major Step Forward

Last year, the iconic video game character Lara Croft returned to the big screen with the Tomb Raider reboot, starring Alicia Vikander as this new iteration. Although that film didnt exactly usher in the long hoped-for, perpetually delayed golden age of video game movies, it looks like this new Lara Croft will get another opportunity to make that happen. Thats because Tomb Raider 2 just took a major step forward by hiring a writer.

Writers Geneva Robertson-Dworet and Alastair Siddons handled the script duties for Tomb Raider, but MGM and Warner Bros. have brought in some new talent, hiring Amy Jump to pen the sequel, according to Deadline. Most of Amy Jumps big screen work has come in collaboration with director and her partner, Ben Wheatley. Together they co-wrote 2016s Free Fire and the upcoming Freak Shift. Amy Jump also wrote the screenplays for Wheatleys High-Rise and A Field in England.

Amy Jump has experience writing action in Free Fire and apparently Tomb Raider star and Oscar-winner Alicia Vikander liked what the writer brought to the table for Tomb Raider 2. We dont yet know what the story will be for Tomb Raider 2, but the first film ended on something of a cliffhanger, so I would expect Lara Croft to go on another globe-trotting, tomb-raiding adventure where she continues to fight the shadowy Trinity organization that has infiltrated Croft Holdings.

It is still early, and in addition to the story, we dont know who the cast will consist of beyond Alicia Vikander or who will direct the sequel, be it Tomb Raider director Roar Uthaug or someone new. Nevertheless, this is a major step and indicates that Tomb Raider 2 is moving towards becoming a reality, and that Vikanders Lara Croft will get at least two films just like her predecessor Angelina Jolie, who first brought the heroine to life on the big screen.

This news may come as a bit of a surprise to some considering that Tomb Raider didnt exactly blow the doors off the box office. Domestically, the film never hit number 1 and ended its run with less than $60 million. Lara Croft had much better luck finding treasure overseas though and Tomb Raider finished with a worldwide total of $274.6 million. Thats nearly triple its $94 million production budget.

With this news, it is clear that MGM and WB see value in keeping this rebooted Tomb Raider going with the hopes that it develops into a successful franchise, and it has the potential to do just that. The first film seemed to have a lot going for it going in, but ultimately didnt click together for a lot of people and critics. Tomb Raider has a 52% Rotten Tomatoes score, and yet, given the competition, some would still argue that it was the best video game movie to date.

Hopefully the sequel can capitalize on the elements that worked in the first movie while shoring up those that didnt. Alicia Vikander is incredibly talented and her lead performance was one of the highlights of the movie, so a sequel with her in it immediately has serious potential. That it seems that she approved of Amy Jump writing the sequel is also encouraging. Maybe we can even get an Angelina Jolie cameo this time around.

Tomb Raider 2 does not yet have a release date, but we will keep you updated as this sequel moves forward. In the meantime check out our 2019 Release Schedule to see all the movies headed your way this year.

Tomb Raider 2 Just Took A Major Step Forward

Upon release, Tomb Raider became an unexpected success with gamers, reaching the top of sales charts and remaining for a considerable time. It went on to sell over 7 million units worldwide. Tomb Raider II was an even greater commercial success, with debut sales higher than the first game and total worldwide sales of 8 million units.

That's because Tomb Raider 2 just took a major step forward by hiring a writer. Writers Geneva Robertson-Dworet and Alastair Siddons handled the script duties for Tomb Raider , but MGM and Warner Bros. have brought in some new talent, hiring Amy Jump to pen the sequel, according to Deadline .
Tomb Raider 2 Just Took A Major Step Forward - CelebeRazzi

Tomb Raider 2 Just Took A Major Step Forward. Netflix's Dark Crystal Show Has The Most Amazing Cast Ever. 7 Games The PlayStation Classic Should've Included. Hot Topics.
Review: 'Tomb Raider' Women's Empowerment Attempts Peek Out

Tomb Raider 2 Just Took A Major Step Forward We don't yet know what the story will be for Tomb Raider 2, but the first film ended on something of a cliffhanger, so I would expect Lara Croft to go on another globe-trotting, tomb-raiding adventure where she continues to fight the shadowy Trinity organization that has infiltrated Croft Holdings.
Tomb Raider Fan Page - Home | Facebook

That's because Tomb Raider 2 just took a major step forward by hiring a writer. Writers Geneva Robertson-Dworet and Alastair Siddons handled the script duties for Tomb Raider , but MGM and Warner Bros. have brought in some new talent, hiring Amy Jump to pen the sequel, according to Deadline .
Tomb Raider 2 Just Took A Major Step Forward | Screenfice

Alicia Vikander excels at playing 'Tomb Raider'—a women's empowerment attempt—despite a lukewarm storyline. so I think it's the right step forward." It took a long time for me
Find a Way Out | 2: Force of Will Walkthrough - Tomb Raider

That's because Tomb Raider 2 just took a major step forward by hiring a writer. Writers Geneva Robertson-Dworet and Alastair Siddons handled the script duties for Tomb Raider,
Tomb Raider 2 Just Took A Major Step Forward - boxcollider

Step back, run-up and jump towards the cage. Stay inside for a while, waiting until the transport of the crates outlined in the distance is finished. Jump down, get back on the ledges and this time stop at the second crate, pictured above.
Tomb Raider - Wikipedia

Tomb Raider 2 Just Took A Major Step Forward Alicia Vikander's heroine may be on her way back for another adventure and another shot at delivering the first truly great video game movie. See All
The Tomb Raider Reboot Just Took A Huge Step Forward
Unfortunately, by time the film franchise started to take off, the video game series had taken a serious blow with horrible reviews and a failing public image. A third Tomb Raider film was, sadly, never meant to be. Twelve years later, it looks like Lara Croft's next is finally leaving development hell, and taking aim at the box office once more.
Should Alicia Vikander Make Tomb Raider 2? -

10 Awesome Movies You Need To Watch Before They Leave Netflix In March

10 Awesome Movies You Need To Watch Before They Leave Netflix In March

Every month, Netflix does a sort of dance with its subscribers. They add brand new content for the folks at home to enjoy, while at the same time they take away movies that their viewers may want to have watched before they said goodbye. It's a cycle that cannot be stopped, and as such we feel it's part of our job as an entertainment news provider to help you catch the more important films leaving the queue. Which is why we're here yet again with a list of several movies that deserve another watch through, before leaving this digital coil.

If you're curious about our selections for what left us in February, feel free to read them at your leisure. Now though, it's time to see who's March-ing on and out the door through next month's cycle.

AnastasiaWhile she's not a Disney princess, Anastasia's main character is a figure of historical legend. A musical adventure romp that tells a very fictionalized account of the woman who was claimed to be the last of the Romanov royal family, this one's a cult classic for animation fans. So much so that there's currently a more grounded Broadway musical based off of the film, and the true story, but still using the memorable songs from Anastasia's soundtrack. You should take this journey to the past while you can, without the bother of remembering to keep this clamshell out of your Disney collection.

JawsIf you're a true Steven Spielberg fan, you're probably hungry for something between his Academy Award nominated picture The Post and his would-be blockbuster Ready Player One. While the latter film won't be out until the end of March, we can definitely recommend Jaws as an appetizer between the director's latest efforts. Though even if you're not a dyed in the wool Spielberg devotee, you can't go wrong with this classic blockbuster as a hint of the summer season, with its big-ticket thrills.

MementoBefore he made a career out of superhero action and IMAX sized thrills, Christopher Nolan shocked the world with his innovative thriller Memento. Told in reverse chronological order, the mystery surrounding the murder of protagonist Leonard's wife unfolds with a backwards motion. All the while Guy Pearce's portrayal of Leonard keeps the audience on its toes, as we know where his character is going, while we don't know where he's been. While only being his second film, Nolan's prowess as a film-maker and storyteller is in full throttle with Memento.

The CraftAfter 20 years of casting its spell on the world, The Craft is still light as feather and stiff as a board, which makes the film's departure from the big red queue a little bit bittersweet. While the die-hard fans of this tale of magical power, and both the perks and pitfalls it entails, probably own this film in three different formats, being on a streaming service like Netflix undoubtedly helps win new fans of all sorts. So if you're going to keep spreading the gospel of The Craft after next month's purge, you're probably going to have to part with your own copy more than you would like in the near future.

Disney's The Santa ClauseOk, so Disney's The Santa Clause isn't exactly in season; so the departure of Tim Allen's trilogy of holiday hijinks isn't an ill-timed affair. That said, there's probably still some folks out there that want to hold onto the Christmas magic, even as February comes to a close and March continues to warm things up. If you're one of those people, we won't judge. Just keep in mind that all three of these films will be leaving before the end of the month, and eggnog only stays fresh for so long.

ZootopiaIt used to be that you could count on a Disney movie like Zootopia to hit Netflix's streaming library not too long after it went to home video. All of that is changing though, with Disney's plans to launch their own streaming service in the works, the age of the Disney / Netflix love fest is coming to an end. So with the departure of Nick and Judy's wild adventure in town, you'll probably be in the market for a physical copy in the near future. For now though, you can binge as many viewings of Zootopia as you want before Netflix takes away your toys.

Who Framed Roger RabbitAs a kid, watching Who Framed Roger Rabbit is an exciting ride of animated thrills, spills, and laughs. After becoming an adult though, the Robert Zemeckis-directed classic is an impressive noir tinged mystery that upholds the genre's tropes to a tee, while seamlessly blending animated characters with human counterparts. No matter how you look at it, it's a timeless film that's earned its reputation of excellence and fandom. Not to mention, you can never go wrong with a murder case that involves a wisecracking rabbit in a bow tie.

The Life Aquatic with Steve ZissouWes Anderson and Bill Murray are like cinematic Peanut Butter and Jelly. Like any good director and their acting muse, the two have gone on to make memorable moments in almost each film of Anderson's filmography. One of the quirkier entries into that canon is The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, in which Murray plays a brash oceanographer who reconnects with his long estranged son, played by Owen Wilson. Throw in some clashes with pirates, sweet acoustic David Bowie covers, and a rather remarkable shark, and you wouldn't even need the role of Jeff Goldblum as a professional rival to spice things up. Seeing as this film has that as well, there's really no reason not to be watching this right now.

In Like FlintSometimes Netflix has the slightly annoying habit of having single installments of a multi-entry franchise. In Like Flint is one of those occasions, where the sequel to Our Man Flint is the one that's available for streaming, without its forerunner being given the same treatment. Though thankfully, the two films are as tightly connected as most of the classic James Bond films they're spoofing. So if you're looking for some swinging 60's spy sensations, your mission is clear: watch In Like Flint before March is out, and thank us later for the recommendation!

The Good SonDuring their peak as child actors, Elijah Wood and Macaulay Culkin made a thriller that was as chilling as it was fun, and that film is The Good Son. While you'd probably have a hard time making something as dark and R-rated as a young child torturing his family, and in some cases killing certain members who stand in his way. The movie serves not only as an interesting time capsule for Wood and Culkin's early careers, it also stands as an obscure gem of the sorts of twisted thrillers the 90's was really good at providing audiences on a wide scale level.

This is my list of 200 Movies to See Before You Die. From comedies, to tearjerkers, to musicals, and classics. How many have seen? Or, how many do you love? If you love movies like me, then this is for you!
Best Movies on Netflix Right Now (June 2019) | Collider
This list of the best movies on Netflix is updated weekly with all-new choices, so be sure to return the next time you're looking for something great to watch. RELATED: Best TV Shows on Netflix
Best Movies on Netflix Right Now (June 2019) | Complex

10 Awesome Movies You Need To Watch Before They Leave Netflix

Our goal in this space is to provide a different service: a list of the 100 best films currently streaming on Netflix, so you can find a satisfying movie without wasting time with endless scrolling.
200 Movies to See Before You Die - List Challenges

Hurry inside, and see which titles to catch before they're gone! Subscribe To 10 Awesome Movies You Need To Watch Before They Leave Netflix In March Updates close
Movies Leaving Netflix March 2019 | POPSUGAR Entertainment

22 Movies and Shows to Watch Before They Disappear From Netflix For Good. Movies Leaving Netflix March 2019 22 Movies and Shows to Watch Before They Disappear From Netflix For Good.
9 Awesome Movies You Need To Watch Before They Leave Netflix

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When it comes to streaming TV and films, Netflix has got you covered. In June 2019, lots of exciting new movies and TV shows are coming to the streaming platform, across a variety of genres.

Here's a last fond look at the movies you have to watch before they leave Netflix in June. Cookies help us deliver our Services. By using our Services, you agree to our use of cookies.
12 Movies to Watch Before They Leave Netflix in May

12 Movies to Watch Before They Leave Netflix in May. 12 movies you need to catch—or re-watch—before they vanish from Netflix next month. Here's Everything Coming to Netflix in March 2019.
The 10 Things You Need to Watch Before They Leave Netflix

Some pretty awesome movies are leaving Netflix in October. Take a look at what's heading out the door next month. Subscribe To 9 Awesome Movies You Need To Watch Before They Leave Netflix In
7 movies to watch before they leave Netflix in June -

Netflix New Releases: Movies And TV Shows Coming To Netflix Streaming In June 2019

Netflix New Releases: Movies And TV Shows Coming To Netflix Streaming In June 2019

The world of streaming content continues to get more segmented and more populated as time goes on. Which only means the monthly drops that a service like Netflix engages in tend to be more and more exciting.

Part of the fun is not knowing what is going to be headed our way in the month to come until the streaming service drops the official list. Looking at June's incoming line-up, there is some heavy-hitting material subscribers can look forward to seeing added to the platform in the coming month.

If you're a little behind on what came into town through the month of May, you can check that lineup out in the right corner of our galaxy. For now, it's time to take those two steps into the future, and see what's headed to Netflix in June.

Week of June 1Arthdal Chronicles - NETFLIX ORIGINAL 6/1/19Oh, Ramona! - NETFLIX FILM 6/1/1950/50 6/1/19A.I. Artificial Intelligence 6/1/19Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day 6/1/19Batman Begins 6/1/19Cabaret 6/1/19Carrie 6/1/19Cat on a Hot Tin Roof 6/1/19Dynasty: Season 2 6/1/19Good Night, and Good Luck 6/1/19Gran Torino 6/1/19Life in the Doghouse 6/1/19Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa 6/1/19Magic Mike 6/1/19Network 6/1/19Platoon 6/1/19Prosecuting Evil: The Extraordinary World Of Ben Ferencz 6/1/19Satan & Adam 6/1/19Small Soldiers 6/1/19The Dark Knight 6/1/19The Phantom of the Opera 6/1/19The Space Between Us 6/1/19What a Girl Wants 6/1/19

Week of June 2Documentary Now!: Season 3 6/3/19Malibu Rescue: The Series - NETFLIX FAMILY 6/3/19Miranda Sings LiveYour Welcome - NETFLIX ORIGINAL 6/4/19A Silent Voice 6/5/19Black Mirror: Season 5 - NETFLIX ORIGINAL 6/5/19Dr. Seuss' The Grinch 6/5/19Alles ist gut - NETFLIX FILM 6/6/19Todos lo saben 6/6/193%: Season 3 - NETFLIX ORIGINAL 6/7/19Belmonte 6/7/19The Black Godfather - NETFLIX FILM 6/7/19The Chef Show - NETFLIX ORIGINAL 6/7/19Designated Survivor: Season 3 - NETFLIX ORIGINAL 6/7/19Elisa & Marcela - NETFLIX FILM 6/7/19I Am Mother - NETFLIX FILM 6/7/19Pachamama - NETFLIX FAMILY 6/7/19Rock My Heart - NETFLIX FILM 6/7/19Super Monsters Monster Pets - NETFLIX FAMILY 6/7/19Tales of the City - NETFLIX ORIGINAL 6/7/19Berlin, I Love You 6/8/19

Week of June 9Disneys Ralph Breaks the Internet 6/11/19Jo Koy: Comin' In Hot - NETFLIX ORIGINAL 6/12/19Rolling Thunder Revue: A Bob Dylan Story by Martin Scorsese - NETFLIX FILM 6/12/19The 3rd Eye 2 - NETFLIX FILM 6/13/19Jinn - NETFLIX ORIGINAL 6/13/19Kakegurui xx - NETFLIX ANIME 6/13/19Aggretsuko: Season 2 - NETFLIX ANIME 6/14/19The Alcsser Murders - NETFLIX ORIGINAL 6/14/19Awake: The Million Dollar Game - NETFLIX ORIGINAL 6/14/19Charit at War - NETFLIX ORIGINAL 6/14/19Cinderella Pop - NETFLIX FILM 6/14/19Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce: Season 5 6/14/19Leila - NETFLIX ORIGINAL 6/14/19Life Overtakes Me - NETFLIX ORIGINAL 6/14/19Marlon: Season 2 6/14/19Murder Mystery - NETFLIX FILM 6/14/19Unit 42 - NETFLIX ORIGINAL 6/14/19Grey's Anatomy: Season 15 6/15/19

Week of June 16Cop Car 6/16/19The Missing: Season 3 - NETFLIX ORIGINAL 6/17/19Adam Devine: Best Time of Our Lives - NETFLIX ORIGINAL 6/18/19Big Kill 6/18/19Beats - NETFLIX FILM 6/19/19The Edge of Democracy - NETFLIX FILM 6/19/19Le Chant du Loup - NETFLIX FILM 6/20/19Ad Vitam - NETFLIX ORIGINAL 6/21/19Bolvar - NETFLIX ORIGINAL 6/21/19The Casketeers: Season 2 - NETFLIX ORIGINAL 6/21/19The Confession Tapes: Season 2 - NETFLIX ORIGINAL 6/21/19Dark: Season 2 - NETFLIX ORIGINAL 6/21/19The End of Evangelion 6/21/19EVANGELION: DEATH (TRUE) 6/21/19Girls Incarcerated: Season 2 - NETFLIX ORIGINAL 6/21/19GO! Live Your Way: Season 2 - NETFLIX FAMILY 6/21/19Jaoon Kahan Bata Ae Dil - NETFLIX FILM 6/21/19La misma sangre - NETFLIX FILM 6/21/19Mr. Iglesias - NETFLIX ORIGINAL 6/21/19Neon Genesis Evangelion 6/21/19Shooter: Season 3 6/21/19

Week of June 23Forest of Piano: Season 2 - NETFLIX ANIME 6/24/19Mike Epps: Only One Mike - NETFLIX ORIGINAL 6/25/19The Golem 6/26/19Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 6/26/19The Zookeeper 6/26/19Answer for Heaven - NETFLIX ORIGINAL 6/27/1920th Century Women 6/28/197SEEDS - NETFLIX ANIME 6/28/19Dope: Season 3 - NETFLIX ORIGINAL 6/28/19Exhibit A - NETFLIX ORIGINAL 6/28/19Instant Hotel: Season 2 - NETFLIX ORIGINAL 6/28/19Motown Magic: Season 2 - NETFLIX FAMILY 6/28/19Paquita Salas: Season 3 - NETFLIX ORIGINAL 6/28/19The Chosen One - NETFLIX ORIGINAL 6/28/19Scare Tactics: Seasons 4 & 5 6/29/19

Week of June 30Madam Secretary: Season 5 6/30/19

June TBDMarvel's Jessica Jones: Season 3 - NETFLIX ORIGINALTrinkets - NETFLIX ORIGINAL

In terms of the movies headed to Netflix in June, there are some new originals and old favorites that dovetail rather nicely. Case in point: Steven Spielberg's underrated tribute to friend and mentor Stanley Kubrick, A.I.: Artificial Intelligence, is making an appearance on Netflix in the coming month.

This looks like it'd make for an interesting double feature with Netflix's own original film about the future of humanity and robotics comingling, I Am Mother. Though judging by that first trailer for the platform's sci-fi original starring Hilary Swank, it doesn't look like the robots are as adorable and trustworthy as Haley Joel Osment or Jude Law ever were.

Another interesting original coming to Netflix is the Adam Sandler/Jennifer Aniston comedy Murder Mystery, which sees the two teaming up once again in the name of laughs. This time, Aniston and Sandler play a married couple who, after being invited to a random getaway with some of the world's richest people, have to figure out who murdered their gracious host.

Of course, if you're interested in hanging out with a not-so-old favorite, Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse is hopping into our dimension of the streaming world towards the end of June. Though if you haven't seen the film already, that's just one more reason to climb aboard and experience the Academy Award-winning wonder.

If you're wondering if the rumors about Marvel's Jessica Jones are true, you are correct: June will see the series finale of the Netflix original debuting at some point in the month of June. Though it's not all darkness on the TV front, as the newly-minted original series Designated Survivor heads into Season 3 with President Tom Kirkman fighting to keep his job, and his integrity in the process.

Should politics be your thing, then you'll love that CBS's Madam Secretary will be debuting Season 5 on the Netflix platform later in June's calendar. So if you really want to jump from President Kirkman to Secretary McCord in one fell swoop, you'll have to wait. But if you're looking for some Stranger Things vibes, and can't wait until Season 3's July 4th debut, you can always check out the German language original Dark, which is entering its second mystery laden season on air.

Keep in mind as you browse the Netflix catalog in the month of June that all titles are subject to change. So if something hasn't debuted as listed, or if a title was removed entirely, you may want to check back here for further updates. With that in mind, happy streaming to you all, and we'll see you back here when July's mysterious lineup is unveiled in its due time.

Every New Movie and TV Show Coming to Netflix in June. check out the best movies on Netflix and the best TV shows on Netflix. Long before the days of peak TV and streaming services,
New on Netflix June 2019: Movies, TV, and Original Series

June's going to bring some high flying excitement to your Netflix account! Subscribe To Netflix New Releases: Movies And TV Shows Coming To Netflix Streaming In June 2019 Updates close
Netflix New Releases: June 2019 | Hollywood Reporter

Each month, Netflix adds new movies and TV shows to its library. Here is the best of what's new on Netflix in June 2019, including Black Mirror season 5, A.I., Dark season 2, Jessica Jones
Netflix New Releases: June 2018 | Hollywood Reporter

Take a look at the movies and TV shows that will be added to the streaming service next month. As the month of June begins, a number of new movies and fresh seasons of TV series will be added to
Netflix June 2019 New Releases, Movies Original Series

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Netflix New Releases: Movies And TV Shows Coming To Netflix

What's New on Netflix and What's Leaving in June 2019

Well, in June 2019, the technology on Netflix is pointing firmly in the direction of Entertainment. Netflix is dropping a lot of highly anticipated new releases as well as some favorite movies.If
Netflix New Releases: Movie & TV Show Releases June 2019

Each month, Netflix adds new movies and TV shows to its library. Here's the best of what's new on Netflix in June 2018, including Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Thor: Ragnarok, The Break With
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Take a look at the movies and TV shows that will be added to the streaming service next month. With a new month comes new movies and TV shows on Netflix. Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, Magic Mike
Every New Movie and TV Show Coming to Netflix in June

With a new month comes a whole new batch of titles to Netflix's instant streaming collection. Over the coming weeks, the streaming service is adding a slew of movies and TV shows, including the

Here are all the Netflix new releases for movies, TV shows and original Netflix shows this month. Summer's built for streaming, so get on it. Movies and TV Shows Coming. June 1 Arthdal
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Looks Like Ronins Full Avengers: Endgame Costume Just Got Leaked

Looks Like Ronins Full Avengers: Endgame Costume Just Got Leaked

Since Avengers: Infinity War arrived last April, the fandom and casual moviegoers have been eager for any information about what's coming next. Josh Brolin's Thanos actually won the day and succeeded in wiping out half the galaxy with the snap of his finger, causing endless follow-up questions that moviegoers have been patiently waiting to glean answers from. One of the outstanding questions was the fate of Jeremy Renner's Clint Barton/ Hawkeye, who was noticeably missing from the action in the most recent blockbuster.

The first Avengers: Endgame trailer confirmed a popular fan theory: that Hawkeye would take on a new mantle of Ronin, likely motivated by revenge over The Snap. He briefly popped up in both of the first trailers, and now it looks like we've got a better look at his full costume, courtesy of an upcoming action figure. Check it out.

This possible leak comes to us from Reddit, as one user seems to have access to the upcoming Avengers: Endgame merchandise. The Russo Brothers are finally bringing Clint back into the narrative for the first time since Captain America: Civil War, and he's looking decidedly more dark and badass.

The above image shows Clint Barton's Ronin costume in full detail, and it's definitely a striking look. What's most interesting is his mask, possibly hinting at the type of vigilante work that the OG Avenger is engaging in when we meet him in Endgame. This time he's trying to keep his identity hidden, likely because the hero is using far more violent means to dispatch of his enemies.

The character's upcoming violence is also seemingly teased by his new weapon. Rather than using his variety of trick arrows, Jeremy Renner's signature Marvel character is taking up a katana. This could spell out bad things for Ronin's foes, as he won't be able to dispatch them without causing serious bodily harm or death. The Avengers aren't typically murder-happy, so it should be fascinating to see how he interacts with Black Widow and the rest of the surviving heroes.

It's currently unclear exactly what happened to Clint Barton, in order to convince the Avenger/S.H.I.E.L.D. agent to transition into the far more terrifying Ronin. Smart money says that it has to do with Thanos' snap aka The Decimation. While Clint was absent from Avengers: Infinity War, it was revealed that he passed on the action due to being on house arrest with this family. But with half of the galaxy's residents fading to dust, smart money says that his family didn't make it out unscathed.

The biggest fan theory is that Hawkeye actually lost his wife (Linda Cardellini) and kids, watching in horror as they faded to dust before his eyes. This Leftovers-esque turn of events seems like a plausible reason for the character to turn to the dark side, and transition from Hawkeye to Ronin. But how will he factor into the mysterious plot of Endgame? That remains to be seen, as fans prepare to wait another few months for answers.

All will be revealed when Avengers: Endgame arrives in theaters on April 26th. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your trips to the movies in the New Year.

[SPOILER] Ronin action figure and promo art from

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A new trailer for Detective Pikachu has reached the public, and it stinks. Not metaphorically, but in the somewhat literal sense — as Tim Goodman is on the receiving end of some nasty gas courtesy of his partner, Detective Pikachu. Get a whiff of this fresh footage, and spot a previously unseen Pokemon along the way.
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