Solo: A Star Wars Story - Rate And Discuss With Spoilers


Solo: A Star Wars Story - Rate And Discuss With Spoilers

Another year, and this time we've gotten a Star Wars movie to enjoy in May. It's become a tradition since 2015's Star Wars: The Force Awakens and 2016's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story started bouncing fans between episodic installments and spin-offs, and Solo: A Star Wars Story is the latest film in the latter court to entertain audiences. Seeing as the latest Ron Howard film has drawn in record crowds during its Thursday preview screenings, it's a good bet you've already enjoyed the magic. Which means it's time to discuss, and rate, Solo: A Star Wars Story.

In terms of critical reception, the latest Star Wars film has gotten some overwhelmingly positive buzz, though that's not without its caveats. In particular, our official review had the following outlook on Solo: A Star Wars Story:

Solo: A Star Wars Story is a ricocheting experience of highs and lows, and the end result doesn't inspire any real extreme reaction -- as hard as that might be to grasp in the world of modern blockbuster filmmaking.

But we're not here to talk to the critics. We're here to talk to you. And as such, it's time to deliver the discussion questions that you, the audience, will evaluate as you think back to your experience with Solo: A Star Wars Story. Below are the questions to keep in mind while thinking over the film, so please read them and keep them in mind as you prepare your comments for the end of the article.

Going into Solo: A Star Wars Story, how excited were you about the idea? How did this change after seeing the film?Did the film feel like a compromised meshing of ideas, or was Ron Howard's direction confident enough that his hiring lead to a seemless picture?Do you think Han Solo's backstory was worth telling in a film?How did you feel about Beckett's crew dying so early in the film?On a scale of 1 to total shock and awe, how did you react to that Darth Maul reveal?Was Alden Ehrenreich's performance as young Han worthy of the honor?Would you rather see the planned Boba Fett spinoff or a Lando spin-off happen next?

What good are thoughts on a film like Solo: A Star Wars Story if they can't be paired with an official rating? In the poll below, on the standard scale of 0 to 5 stars, let us know what you thought of the film. Don't forget to share your rating, and your thoughts behind said rating, with your comments.

Finally, before you head off to your Memorial Day weekend celebrations, we'd like to suggest some further reading on the subject of Solo: A Star Wars Story. To start us off, if you want to share some light level spoilers with friends asking just how deep the film goes into Han Solo's backstory, you can show them the story recalling how Han actually got his last name in the movie. Also, if you're curious as to why good old Darth Maul showed up in the film's finale, head on over to this item for some insights about just why that decision was made. Last, but not least, you can read how Donald Glover and Phoebe Waller-Bridge feel about the potential for Lando: A Star Wars Story, and the story it could tell.

That's all for this week's Rate and Discuss. Until next time, have a great Memorial Day weekend, and remember, Han shot first.

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