Daniel Craig Met With The CIA About James Bond


Daniel Craig Met With The CIA About James Bond

Movies have dictated quite a bit of what many think of when they think of spycraft, and few on-screen spies epitomize espionage quite like James Bond. The tuxedo-clad secret agent has become a fixture of the genre ever since Sean Connery took a sip of his first martini in Dr. No, with few ever really stopping to think about the accuracy of the older Bond movies. Nevertheless, looks like accuracy is something that the most recent Bond star Daniel Craig takes seriously, as he recently met with the folks at the CIA to discuss that very topic.

This news comes to us courtesy of the CIA itself, as the agency invited Daniel Craig to visit its headquarters in Langley, Virginia to discuss spycraft and the differences between what an on-screen and real-world spies. According to the agency, one of the major subjects of conversation was the discussion of how a spy spends far more time involved in the "cloak" elements of the job (such as intelligence gathering), and far less time delving in the "dagger" world, which would include all of the fights and action that we have come to expect from a character like 007. The visit was mostly educational in nature, and designed to make Craig part of the solution in the effort to reduce misrepresentation of the agency in pop culture.

In addition to the CIA's motives with the visit, Daniel Craig's short trip stands out as a particularly interesting element of research because he's currently gearing up for what is expected to be his fnal turn as James Bond. Following his performances in movies like Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace, Skyfall, and Spectre, the British actor has proven that he knows how to slip into the role like a well-worn glove. Now that he is visiting real-life spy agencies to do more research, it could suggest that he might be looking for something a bit more authentic and down to earth compared to his other outings .

This development feels even more intriguing when we remember that Daniel Craig is teaming up with one of the most unique voices in cinema for Bond 25 in 28 Days Later director Danny Boyle. The filmmaker is going to step behind the camera for the film, and that alone promises something different from the two most recent blockbusters, both of which were directed by American Beauty's Sam Mendes.

Looking beyond Bond 25, it will be interesting to see what the future holds for 007. Daniel Craig resurrected him following the lackluster debut of Die Another Day by displaying a more grounded approach in 2006's Casino Royale, and the Craig era of Bond movies has experienced a series of peaks and valleys over the course of the last twelve years. Hope remains high that Craig will go out on a high note, but looking one step further it's anyone's guess as to what will happen for Bond 26.

Bond 25 will hit theaters on November 8, 2019. Make sure to keep it here for more information about Daniel Craig's final turn as the fan-favorite secret agent, and stay tuned for more updates about all of the most highly-anticipated films. For more info on this year's biggest release dates, you can also head over to our 2018 movie premiere guide.

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