Moviegoers Are Walking Out Of Holmes And Watson


Moviegoers Are Walking Out Of Holmes And Watson

When you think about great comedic pairings, there's a solid chance that Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly come to mind thanks to their team-ups in Adam McKay's movies like Step Brothers. So seeing the actors reunite for a comedic take on Sherlock Holmes seemed like a safe bet for guaranteed laughs. Unfortunately, that does not appear to be the case with Holmes & Watson, because the movie is apparently so bad and unfunny that people are actually walking out. Take a look:

Wow, that is rough. Not only did this Twitter user think that the movie was bad enough to walk out of, but she actually doesn't want to see the duo of Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly work together again. Holmes & Watson turned her off the pairing entirely! That is definitely not what you want to hear.

Unfortunately, this does not appear to have been an isolated incident as many people have taken to Twitter to complain about Holmes & Watson, with many saying that they walked out it was so bad. Apparently even those who are against walking out of movies felt compelled to here. Check it out:

Yikes. Falling asleep, walking out, and being compared it to another horrible movie isn't a great look for Holmes & Watson. Most Twitter users posting about these reported walkouts aren't stuffy critics or those who find this type of comedy beneath them. Instead, they're fans of the actors and their previous work, simply not finding Holmes & Watson funny.

Many of the people claiming they walked out of the film are also claiming that they weren't alone and auditoriums playing Holmes & Watson experienced mass exoduses:

A lot of the walkouts Tweets are also accompanied by demands for money back, claims that this is the worst movie ever and comparisons to other near universally condemned films like Waterworld (which is unfairly maligned if you ask me). Claims that people fell asleep were also common:

Of those who couldn't make it through the film and walked out, it doesn't appear that many made it very far. There are plenty of tweets that said they walked out anywhere from 15 minutes in to 45 minutes in. Not many moviegoers seemed to make it more than halfway through if they chose to walk out. I suppose they felt they had given it a fair enough shake at that point.

Another person who saw the film went in the opposite direction of those who never want to see Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly together onscreen again, desiring a redemptive opportunity after this debacle.

Holmes & Watson may be one of those instances where audiences and critics are in agreement about a film. The critical reviews for the film are dismal, with it currently sitting at 5% on Rotten Tomatoes.

Personally I didn't find the trailer for Holmes & Watson to be funny, and I think many of us were expecting it to be bad. But for the film to not only be a bad movie, but to prompt walkouts from the general public is a feat indeed.

If you're feeling brave or masochistic, Holmes & Watson is now playing. For all of the movies studios are hoping people don't walk out of next year, check out our 2019 Release Schedule.

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