The Additional Star Wars: The Last Jedi Material Rian Johnson Would Like To Release


The Additional Star Wars: The Last Jedi Material Rian Johnson Would Like To Release

At 152 minutes, Star Wars: The Last Jedi is the longest Star Wars movie yet, and given how much went down in Episode VIII, the extended running time makes sense. Of course, that's just the movie in its final form. As you'll see when you check out The Last Jedi on home media, there are plenty of special features to enjoy, from deleted scenes to the feature-length documentary The Director and The Jedi. However, if you thought that Disney and Lucasfilm packed most of the available bonus material into that home release, you're sorely mistaken. According to director Rian Johnson, there's still a lot of bonus footage that still hasn't been seen yet, but he hopes to release it to the public at some point. Johnson said:

The truth is there are so many fascinating stories. Like Kelly [Marie Tran]'s story: The doc crew went back to Los Angeles with her when she was packing up her apartment to come to London and basically had to lie to all of her friends and say she was going to Canada to work. But there are a thousand stories --- Peter Mayhew training Joonas [Suotamo] and doing like Wookie school, and the unexpected emotion of that. They got so much good stuff. Hopefully we'll be able to put that together.

Making a major motion picture is an intensive process, but with a Star Wars movie, it's even more demanding. The movies set in a galaxy far, far away usually take around two years to make (sometimes longer), from preproduction to putting together the final cut. During that time frame, a lot happens, and while a fair portion of that was covered in the special features attached to Star Wars: The Last Jedi, evidently we haven't even scratched the surface. Whether we actually get to see this other bonus content remains to be seen, although The Last Jedi producer Ram Bergman expressed interest to The Los Angeles Times in releasing this content in miniseries form.

Assuming this extra Star Wars: The Last Jedi footage is eventually released, this wouldn't be the first time a Star Wars movie has released more bonus material long after its initial home media release. Following its theatrical run, The Force Awakens hit shelves on April 5, 2016, but on November 15 of the same year, a Blu-ray 3D "Collector's Edition" of the movie came out that included several new bonus features alongside all the other special features that came with the first release. The Last Jedi could certainly follow suit and release its own "Collector's Edition," but if they go the miniseries route instead, perhaps that would be a good fit for the Disney streaming service, which is launching in the fall of 2019. Before Episode IX drops, fans could learn even more about the creative process surrounding Episode VIII.

If Disney and Lucasfilm announces plans to release even more Star Wars: The Last Jedi bonus material, we here at CinemaBlend will be sure to let you know. For now, you can check out the movie on Blu-ray, DVD and Digital HD, and the current Star Wars trilogy will conclude when Episode IX is released on December 20, 2019.

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