Exciting Solo Clip Finally Puts Chewbacca In The Falcon's Co-Captain Chair


Exciting Solo Clip Finally Puts Chewbacca In The Falcon's Co-Captain Chair

While some Star Wars fans are still recovering from the wild ride that was Star Wars: The Last Jedi, there's even more from the beloved space opera coming our way. Rather than waiting a calendar year for a new release, Solo: A Star Wars Story will arrive in just a few weeks, serving as the property's second standalone film. Ron Howard's upcoming blockbuster will further help to expand the galaxy far, far away, showing us how beloved characters like Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Lando Calrissian met for the first time. A new clip from Solo was just released, revealing the first time Chewie and Han teamed up in the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon. Check it out below.

And just like that, you could tell Han and Chewie were meant to have endless galactic adventures together. While it's been teased that the dynamic space duo would be butting heads a bit upon first meeting, it seems like wild rides like this may help them ultimately become pals. That, and the fact that Han can somehow understand Wookie's languages.

This new clip shows an exciting action sequences involving the Millennium Falcon. Most hardcore Star Wars fans have assumed that this would be the Kessel Run-- which Han famously made in 12 parsecs. That brag is one of Han Solo's first lines in A New Hope, so it's exciting that the quote will finally be adapted on the silver screen. Of course, this clip also might be an entirely different chase sequence; I have a feeling Han Solo is going to be having a lot of these conflicts throughout the course of his movie.

While Star Wars fans have watched Han and Chewie's onscreen adventures for decades, we've never known much about their backstory. This was eventually filled in through the novelizations, which were no longer considered canon after Disney jumpstarted the franchise back up. Solo: A Star Wars Story will provide that missing backstory, no doubt as a way to celebrate the character's tenure. We'll meet Chewie and presumably his family during the film, and see how and why he eventually bonds so strongly with Han. Lando is also younger and in possession of the Millennium Falcon, so the backstory between those two smugglers and friends will also finally be explained.

The pressure is truly on for Ron Howard to deliver a strong Star Wars movie. With many fans still mourning his death in The Force Awakens, there is going to be a heightened level of emotionality and scrutiny placed on Solo: A Star Wars Story. Additionally, Howard joined the project halfway through filming, following the firing of directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller by Lucasfilm. There have also been negative rumors associated around Alden Ehrenreich's performance, but we'll just have to wait and see if any of these challenges are actually present in the final product.

Solo: A Star Wars Story will arrive in theaters on May 25th. In the meantime, check out our 2018 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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