How Blumhouses Halloween Will Pay Homage To The Previous Sequels


How Blumhouses Halloween Will Pay Homage To The Previous Sequels

There are horror movies, and then there's John Carpenter's Halloween. A true groundbreaker for the genre, the classic flick started a beloved franchise that is still very much alive today. Acclaimed horror studio Blumhouse is taking its shot at the property this year, and anticipation has been high. The first trailer or Halloween has finally arrived, teasing Laurie Strode's final battle with Michael Myers-- and how it affects her family and the other denizens of Haddonfield. We got the chance to visit the set of Halloween earlier this year, where we learned more about what to expect from the film, especially as it retcons the rest of the sequels out of existence. While none of the sequel will be canon, writer David Gordon Green revealed there will be easter eggs and references for the hardcore fandom to enjoy. As he said on set,

Anyone who's a fan of any of these films will find nice little easter eggs acknowledging our salute to the filmmakers that have preceded us, in the stories and mythologies as they've unfolded. For us, it was a clean slate type of opportunity. Where if there was a little inspiration or mirror image of something, it's very subtle in the movie. Because we want to start fresh for a new generation, but with great appreciation for the previous.

While we shouldn't expect the likes of Josh Hartnett or Paul Rudd to pop into Halloween as their characters from Curse of Michael Myers and H20, it seems that there will be subtle nods to the myriad Halloween movies in Blumhouse's upcoming sequel. This should make the hardcore fans happy, providing yet another reason to stay alert during the film's runtime.

When news of Blumhouse's Halloween first hit, fans were excited to learn that Jamie Lee Curtis would be playing Laurie Strode one more time. But the revelation that the sequels were being ignored made some fans nervous. Luckily, the entire team assembled for the new Halloween are die hard fans of the franchise. David Gordon Green wrote the film alongside Danny McBride and Jeff Fradley, with all of the writers continually expressing their love for John Carpenter's original film. Nick Castle is also returning as Michael Myers, with John Carpenter writing music for the film.

Set 40 years after Michael Myers' attack in Haddonfield, Blumhouse's Halloween follow a Laurie Strode who has never truly felt safe. She's been waiting for her attacker's eventual return for decades, which has complicated her relationship with both her daughter Karen (Judy Greer) and granddaughter Allyson (Andi Matichak). This complicated family relationship will no doubt come into play once the chaos of Michael's attack happens, with three generations of Strode women to follow through the night.

Halloween will arrive in theaters on October 19. In the meantime, check out our 2018 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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