Man Reportedly Beaten Outside Cinema For Shouting Avengers: Endgame Spoilers


Man Reportedly Beaten Outside Cinema For Shouting Avengers: Endgame Spoilers

It's been a long wait and Avengers: Endgame is finally here. Fans are packing theaters to see this movie, but not everyone is going to be able to see the blockbuster opening weekend. As such, fans are taking precautions to avoid spoilers at all costs, and even the filmmakers have taken steps to make sure that the plot is as secretive as possible. However, one man in Hong Kong apparently didn't get the memo and was reportedly beaten up for for shouting Endgame spoilers.

Part of what has made Endgame such a unique film is that Marvel Studios has taken extra precautions to keep the film as secretive as possible. Trailers have revealed little information, and the Russo Bros. made it their mission to make sure that people would have an authentic, surprising experience at the theater.

Sadly, in the age of the internet, that's just not really possible. Endgame leaked online ahead of the premiere and hours later, the Russos released a statement asking people to keep all spoilers to themselves. After all, it's one thing to seek spoilers for yourself, but it's wrong to force them on people who don't.

One man decided to take the direct approach with spoilers. According to Deadline, a man reportedly shouted Endgame spoilers to a crowd waiting in line to see the movie. Taiwanese media did not identify the man, but reported that he was left bloodied after the crowd attacked him for the spoilers.

A photo of the man bleeding out of his head and sitting on the street has been circulating the internet.

It's increasingly difficult to avoid spoilers in the age of the internet. A person could see a spoiler just from browsing YouTube and seeing a revealing thumbnail. However, it seems that there are consequences for those who choose to spoil without the anonymity of the internet.

Sometimes you just can't avoid spoilers. My friend had the ending of Endgame spoiled for him a day before he saw the film. Someone he didn't know sent him a direct message on Reddit telling him how the film ends. We determined that the guy was ultimately lying, but he had turned out to be partly correct by accident.

To say that people are excited to see Endgame is an understatement. In China alone -- where this alleged beating took place -- the film is projected to make close to $330 million by the end of the weekend. It's already grossed almost as much as the entire run of the top three films in China.

You can see Avengers: Endgame in theaters right now. After you've seen the film be sure to check back with CinemaBlend for more Marvel coverage, such as our spoiler-filled questions about Endgame or the latest box office numbers.

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