Natalie Portman Wants To Meet Mark Hamill, Her Star Wars Son


Natalie Portman Wants To Meet Mark Hamill, Her Star Wars Son

Recently, Mark Hamill pointed out that he's never met the woman who played his mother in the Star Wars universe. It turns out, she's open to finally meeting her son as well. Natalie Portman was a recent guest on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and the host directed Portman's attention to Hamill's tweet, and it turns out that Portman agrees that the fact that she's never met her on-screen son is a travesty. She appealed directly to the actor on Colbert and told him she wants to get together, saying...

I know, it's such a shame. I would love to meet him. Mark, I'd love to meet you.

On the one hand, it seems bizarre that Mark Hamill and Natalie Portman have never met. They've both been actors in Hollywood for decades, and both have been part of the Star Wars universe for this entire century. You'd think they would have crossed paths at a Hollywood party or some sort of Star Wars event but apparently, it's never happened. Of course, Portman has been busy winning Academy Awards and things in recent years and hasn't really made herself a regular part of Star Wars fandom since filming the prequels, so perhaps it's not all that shocking.

Although Natalie Portman is a little upset with her "son" as, in his tweet about the fact that he'd never met his "mom," which was sent on the occasion of Natalie Portman's birthday, he neglected to actually wish her a happy birthday. Typical son, he doesn't call, he doesn't write, forgets to wish his mother a happy birthday.

The fact that the pair have never met doesn't mean they're not connected, however. Stephen Colbert himself points out that, since he knows both of them, he might be the thing holding the entire Star Wars universe together.

I've spent more time with Mark Hamill than you have, and I've spent more time with you than Mark Hamill has. It's like I'm the center of the Star Wars universe.

We'll have to wait and see if Padme and Luke ever get a real chance to meet each other. A recent exchange on Twitter of mutual admiration between Mark Hamill and James Gunn eventually led to a real-life meeting between the two, and possibly a job for Hamill, so perhaps that will happen here as well.

The fact is that, possibly due to the negative reception the prequels often get, many of the actors involved have not been as much a regular part of Star Wars fandom as other. Although, Hayden Christiansen, Mark Hamill's Star Wars dad did make an appearance at the recent Star Wars Celebration, so perhaps enough time has passed that they can all embrace Star Wars again, after all, there's a whole new movie out for fans to hate on.

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