Emily Blunt Broke Her Own Rule For John Krasinski On A Quiet Place


Emily Blunt Broke Her Own Rule For John Krasinski On A Quiet Place

This year, Emily Blunt and John Krasinski have proven to be quite the Hollywood power couple; together in Krasinski's deeply personal horror flick A Quiet Place and apart as Blunt dazzles in Mary Poppins Returns just months after her husband debuted in Amazon's Jack Ryan. During their marriage, the couple have kept their careers separate, but that changed when Krasinski was penning the script for A Quiet Place and he wrote the lead role with Blunt in mind. However, he was afraid to ask her, fearing she would only say "yes" out of obligation. When Blunt read the script though, she jumped at the opportunity, even breaking a few personal rules out of love for A Quiet Place. In her words:

I have a minimum of a five-month rule between projects, other than A Quiet Place. I broke the rule for him and him alone.

You know what they say, some rules are meant to be broken, and Emily Blunt's special exception for John Krasinski's A Quiet Place certainly shows it. His film may be disguised as a horror flick, but at its center it was a heartfelt story about family. So the involvement of the couple on-screen makes for a nice touch to bring home A Quiet Place's themes.

John Krasinski couldn't have more of a stake in the project, as he wrote the script, directed it and starred as not one but two characters -- he also suited up in a CGI suit to play the monster. A Quiet Place was developed on a small-budget of $17 million and blew up the box office as it made $341 million worldwide.

In the couple's interview together for The Hollywood Reporter, John Krasinski spoke about one positive reason as to how the couple maintains a solid relationship amidst their busy working lives. Here's what he said:

There's a large fraction of stress that is taken out by someone who's so supportive. Meaning, 'You are directing this movie, so when you reach for your phone, I know you're not trying to isolate me as your wife. You actually have something to do.' I don't have any of that pressure of, 15 percent of my day is explaining to my wife that I have a job to do.

The pair seem to have managed quite the healthy balance between their career aspirations in Hollywood and through their personal relationship while remaining supportive of one another. Coming up for the couple is Emily Blunt's newly released sequel to Mary Poppins, which has been receiving positive reception and awards buzz.

John Krasinski is working on a sequel for A Quiet Place which is set for a release on May 15, 2020 -- though if you've seen the first film, it's highly unlikely they will share the screen again this time around.

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