How James Wan Impressed The Cast Of DC's Aquaman While Directing


How James Wan Impressed The Cast Of DC's Aquaman While Directing

Beyond just the prospect of seeing a world that hasn't been shown onscreen or in a superhero movie before, one of the most exciting things about Aquaman is getting to see what director James Wan does in this genre. The director of The Conjuring and Furious 7 has largely played in the horror realm throughout his career, but this film provides an opportunity for him to bring his sensibilities to a comic book blockbuster. And if the cast's opinion is anything to go off of, the director brought something special to the table. Actor Graham McTavish was especially impressed with how meticulous James Wan was while directing, as he explained:

I was really impressed by his level of attention to detail, not just in the physical sense but in performance. Just he really had a very clear idea of exactly how he wanted every beat to play in that film. Certainly with my involvement and it was extraordinary actually, you would spend a lot of time on things, really tiny details, movements of props, the pace of movement, things that would establish a rhythm in the movie that I found incredibly impressive.

We won't know until December how this translates onscreen but it sounds to me like James Wan has a very clear and specific vision for his Aquaman. Speaking with Collider, Graham McTavish recalled James Wan's attention to detail in all aspects of making this film, everything from the mise en scne to the actor's performances. This meticulousness impressed Graham McTavish and encouraged him that the finished film is going to be "incredible."

Graham McTavish is no rookie actor either. He's acted and provided his voice in movies, TV shows and video games for thirty years and has worked with the likes of Sylvester Stallone, Peter Jackson and Ryan Coogler. So the fact that James Wan impressed him and the way in which he impressed him should have DC fans getting a bit more excited for this aquatic adventure. James Wan being a bit of a perfectionist is also really cool considering that this isn't just a normal earthbound superhero movie. Aquaman is introducing us to an entire underwater world, and the tiny details are what will make that world really come alive.

Many modern audiences may know Graham McTavish from his TV roles in Preacher or Outlander, so they might be surprised to hear that he is in Aquaman. Well, there's a good reason for that. Although we know he will be in the movie, we don't yet know who Graham McTavish is playing. His part has been kept under wraps and has forced the actor to maintain a certain level of secrecy. Given that he has a cool look and is a great voice actor, I could see him playing either an Atlantean or an entirely CGI creature, but the fact that it's a secret is especially interesting considering that we know who most everyone else is playing.

You can find out who Graham McTavish is playing when Aquaman dives into theaters on December 21. Keep an eye on our guide for everything going on in the DCEU, and for all the biggest movies still to come this year, check out our release schedule.

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