Justice Leagues Deleted Scenes Are Contributing To DCs Cyborg Movie


Justice Leagues Deleted Scenes Are Contributing To DCs Cyborg Movie

While DC is busy announcing any number of new projects, we haven't heard a lot about some of the older movies the studio had previously announced were on the way. One of the MIA movies is the Cyborg solo feature, but we now have new details that seem to confirm that the movie is, in fact, still planned, as well as the fact that it may include some deleted scenes from Justice League. Joe Morton, who played Cyborg's father Silas Stone in Justice League, recently revealed that he shot a lot of material for the superhero team-up that wasn't used, but declined to explain what happened in those scenes because we may end up seeing them after all. According to Morton...

Unfortunately, I can't tell you what [the original story] is because that might end up being in part of the Cyborg movie. Yes, there was a big change once they decided that they were going to do the Cyborg film

The deleted scenes of Justice League have become some of the most in-demand material in recent history. Many DC fans have demanded that the "Snyder Cut" of Justice League be released so that we can see what the original director envisioned for the film before he stepped down and was replaced by Joss Whedon. While every indication has been that we won't ever see that cut of the film, it appears we may get at least some of those scenes after all.

I would guess that most of the scenes in question deal with the origin or backstory of Cyborg, as those would be the easiest scenes to include in a Cyborg solo movie that were very likely shot as part of Justice League, since it was the character's first real introduction to the universe. Joe Morton also tells Slashfilm that he believes the plan for the solo flick is to "watch the evolution" of Cyborg, so that would certainly fit.

While it sounds like these additional Cyborg sequences may have been pulled from Justice League for reasons beyond the change in director, if the plan is to repurpose them, it makes it even less likely that a Snyder Cut of Justice League will ever see the light of day, at least not until after Cyborg is released. It's Joe Morton's understanding that the film is set to start filming sometime in 2020, though he says he has yet to see a script.

While the long-term future of the DC film universe is unclear, it is certainly moving forward with three films currently set in stone. Aquaman's solo movie will swim into theaters in December, followed by Shazam! in April of 2019 and the Wonder Woman sequel the following November.

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