Black Panthers Chadwick Boseman Never Stops Getting Asked To Do The Wakanda Salute


Black Panthers Chadwick Boseman Never Stops Getting Asked To Do The Wakanda Salute

One would think that everything is just wonderful when you star in one of the biggest movies ever made, but there is at least one annoying downside to being Chadwick Boseman these days. Black Panther has been so insanely popular, that the actor behind T'Challa admitted on Jimmy Kimmel Live! that everywhere he goes, people ask him to do the "Wakanda Forever" salute. It's gotten so bad, he just assumes that he'll find himself doing it whenever he leaves the house.

If I don't want to do it, I have to not leave the house, pretty much. I've been chased in cars.

The simple move of crossing your arms over your chest might not seem like much, but apparently, it was what stuck with a lot of people following Black Panther. Chadwick Boseman told Jimmy Kimmel that he's been literally chased by people asking him to do it, which seems to take the obsession from the humorous to the scary. It's totally cool if you meet your favorite actor on the street and want to interact with them, but maybe don't chase them in cars, can we agree on that?

On the more hilarious side of things, Boseman compares some of his fan interactions to the scene from Coming to America where Eddie Murphy's prince character gets recognized by one of his citizens while standing in line for the bathroom. While many people are asking Boseman for the Wakanda salute, some are apparently giving it to him, but in some fairly bizarre places.

At this point, Chadwick Boseman better not expect the requests to die down anytime soon. He's gone straight from Black Panther to Avengers: Infinity War, a movie with a significant portion that takes place in Wakanda. First Black Panther set every box office record, now Infinity War comes along behind it and resets most of them. By the time Chadwick Boseman stops being the biggest star in the world, Avengers 4 will be out and this will start all over again. In fact, Black Panther is on Blu-ray and Avengers: Infinity War has been out for weeks and people are still having a field day with Boseman having to do the salute.

It's only actually been a few months, so hopefully, Chadwick Boseman is still enjoying the fans who are so excited to see him say "Wakanda Forever." Eventually, it will surely get old and he'll be less enthusiastic about doing it over and over again. Although based on the popularity of the first Black Panther movie, there's a pretty good chance that we'll be seeing a lot more of the character over the next few years, so perhaps he'll be doing this a lot. All we can ask is that you please not chase him in a car. It's not safe for you or the people around you.

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