Watch Tracy Morgan Joke Black Panther Stole His Black Bobcat Idea


Watch Tracy Morgan Joke Black Panther Stole His Black Bobcat Idea

Black Panther is the biggest movie that we've seen in years. It's no wonder that people might go looking for a piece of the action, as Tracy Morgan recently did on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. Morgan was a guest on the show where he claimed that Marvel's newest hero stole the idea from him, as he had previously created the superhero known as the Black Bobcat. Check it out below.

Tracy Morgan showed up on The Tonight Show to promote his new television series, The Last O.G., but he was also there to complain about Black Panther. While most everybody loves Marvel's blockbuster, as measured by box office success and critical reviews, Morgan took issue with film, claiming (as a joke, of course) that he had actually created a black superhero of his own which Black Panther was clearly ripping off. He then revealed a cardboard stand-up figure of himself as the Black Bobcat. The image consisted of an image of Batman, with the face and logo replaced.

According to Tracy Morgan, Black Bobcat has the ability to pounce, drink large quantities of milk, and has super hearing, but apparently only when listening to porn. It seems like a highly specialized skill set, which probably doesn't get a lot of use, which may explain why Black Bobcat sleeps 20 hours a day.

The highlight of this has to be the Black Bobcat logo, which is the silhouette of a cat, with word "Bobcat" written across it. The fact that the outfit actually has its own name written down is hilarious. Like, the hero is afraid people won't know who he is when he shows up unless he's wearing a name tag.

While Tracy Morgan may be feeling like Black Panther stole his idea, the rest of the world has been absolutely enamored with the character. The film is one of the top 10 movies of all-time worldwide and it's the highest grossing superhero movie ever in North America. While Marvel is no stranger to this level of success, clearly they must have been expecting Avengers: Infinity War to be the film to beat this year, and now one wonders if it will be able to outdo Black Panther.

For the record, in case you were curious, Black Panther made his Marvel Comics debut in July of 1966 and Tracy Morgan was born in November of 1968, so I don't expect Marvel will be afraid of any incoming lawsuits.

Having said that, there might be a place for a Black Bobcat animated series on television someplace. It could be good, assuming it takes place during the four hours a day the character is actually awake.

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