Gwyneth Paltrow Says Brad Pitt Threatened Harvey Weinstein After Hotel Room Incident


Gwyneth Paltrow Says Brad Pitt Threatened Harvey Weinstein After Hotel Room Incident

It's been months and months since numerous allegations began being levied at Harvey Weinstein, leading to his firing from The Weinstein Company, as well as investigations and lawsuits. Many women, from a-list actors to smaller players in the industry, have spoken out about their experiences with Weinstein, but new stories are still coming out. Case in point, Gwyneth Paltrow recently appeared on The Howard Stern Show on Sirius XM to talk about how her then-boyfriend Brad Pitt, and how he came to her aid, confronting Harvey Weinstein when he made a pass at her. After telling Pitt what happened, the couple saw Weinstein at Hamlet, and she says Pitt stepped up and made it clear the behavior was unacceptable. Per Paltrow:

I told him right away and I was very shaken by the whole thing. We were at the opening of Hamlet on Broadway. Harvey was there and Brad Pitt --- it was like the equivalent of throwing him against the wall, energetically. He said, 'If you ever make her feel uncomfortable again, I'll kill you,' Or something like that. It was so fantastic. He leveraged his fame and power to protect me at a time when I didn't have fame or power yet.

Brad Pitt and Gwyneth Paltrow dated between 1994 and 1997, and appeared in Seven together during that time. The relationship doesn't have nearly as much prominence as Pitt's former relationships with Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie, nor do they have as much prominence as Paltrow's marriage to Coldply frontman Chris Martin or her relationship with Brad Falchuk. However, for a time the couple was hot and heavy and was even engaged, and Gwyneth Paltrow even spoke out previously on The Howard Stern Show about why that relationship fizzled, noting that Brad Pitt was "was too good for me." Regardless, it sounds like Brad Pitt definitely came through for the actress while they were dating.

This time during her Howard Stern appearance, she also touched on what happened in the hotel room with Harvey Weinstein, noting,

We had one incident in a hotel room where he tried to make a pass at me. It was weird. I was alone in a room with him. It was out of the blue. I was blind-sided. I was shocked.

This isn't the first time Gwyneth Paltrow has addressed what happened with Harvey Weinstein. She previously revealed that she was 22 when Harvey Weinstein got her the lead in Emma. She said she met him at the Peninsula Beverly Hills Hotel for a work meeting, saying she "was a kid" at the time. Previously, she got a little more into depth with what happened when Harvey Weinstein pursued her, noting that she thought she was going into a work meeting, but that Weinstein tried to get her to go into a bedroom "for massages." At the time, she mentioned Brad Pitt knew, but now we know how Brad Pitt reacted.

There have been a lot of reports of Harvey Weinstein attempting to coerce starlets into doing things for him in hotel rooms. Gwyneth Paltrow says she was able to refuse the producer's advances, and her story is only one of many that have come to light in recent months. Since then, The Weinstein Company has filed for bankruptcy, Harvey Weinstein's wife has filed for divorce, and the stories have led to the Me Too movement becoming prominent in Hollywood. You can hear more from Gwyneth Paltrow over at Howard Stern's site.

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