Now You Can Relive Avengers: Infinity War's Why Is Gamora Scene Over And Over


Now You Can Relive Avengers: Infinity War's Why Is Gamora Scene Over And Over

Spoilers ahead for Avengers: Infinity War.While it was released weeks ago, cinephiles and Marvel fans alike are still recovering from the wild ride that was Avengers: Infinity War. The Russo Brothers united all of the characters in the MCU in an epic battle against Thanos, while also providing the most nuanced and fascinating villain since Loki. Since it's the MCU, there were also plenty of comedic beats. Many of them came from the Guardians of the Galaxy cast, including one that was completely improvised by Dave Bautista. When the Guardians meet Iron Man, Doctor Strange and Spider-Man, Peter goes into attack mode and asks where Gamora is, and Drax gets to steal the show shortly thereafter by uttering "Why is Gamora?!" Check it out below.

While Marvel fans are going to wait a series of months before Avengers: Infinity War is available for home purchase, at least this is one bit of dialogue that we can replay to our heart's content, courtesy of Twitter. Despite the high stakes of the film's drama, this quick line lightened the mood plenty, and allowed fans to enjoy the new combination of characters.

Before the release of Avengers: Infinity War, one of the most exciting aspects was having James Gunn's Guardians of the Galaxy interact with the rest of the shared universe. While the Guardians have always been a fan favorite, they'd previously been kept separate from the greater MCU. But that changed very early into Infinity War, when the Guardians came across Thor, and the news of Thanos' plans began to spread. The God of Thunder proved the perfect companion for characters like Rocket and Groot, while the rest of the team joined Iron Man in the attack on Titan.

Dave Bautista's Drax got quite a few one liners in during the runtime of Infinity War, although his "Why is Gamora" line is definitely the highlight. The Russo Brothers ultimately couldn't spend all that much time on Drax the Destroyer, as they were juggling a ton of characters in the epic story. While Drax got to come face to face with Thanos on more than one occasion, it wasn't a super emotional arc. Infinity War ultimately ended with Drax vanishing before our eyes, so it's unclear how he'll factor into Avengers 4, and how this will also affect Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.

Avengers: Infinity War is in theaters now, and Drax's fate will likely be revealed when Avengers 4 hit theaters May 3rd, 2019. In the meantime, check out our 2018 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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