It Was Blake Lively's Idea To Include A Giant Nude Painting Of Herself In New Movie A Simple Favor


It Was Blake Lively's Idea To Include A Giant Nude Painting Of Herself In New Movie A Simple Favor

Lest you think that Blake Lively was coerced into having a massive portrait of what is, ostensibly, all her naked lady parts on display in her new film A Simple Favor, her co-star Anna Kendrick has news for you. Apparently, the somewhat graphic nature of the painting was actually Lively's idea. Here's what Kendrick had to say about the full monty nature of the artwork:

Sometimes it was green screen, and sometimes it was this other painting that was very nice but very Tumblr art. It was actually Blake's idea to have it be a little bit more, um, obscene. Certainly it's art, but a little more shocking for Stephanie to see. Not so polished, not so pretty, not so coy. I thought that was really brilliant.

Well, the first thing to note here is that Anna Kendrick, Blake Lively and various assorted cast and crew members were not distracted on a daily basis by a giant portrait of what is supposed to be the nude form of Lively's character, Emily, as they were shooting Paul Feig's new dark comedy A Simple Favor. So, at least there's that. They were faced with either a green screen or a "Tumblr art" like look at Emily's form, so it would seem that the production hadn't quite figured out what, exactly, they wanted this painting to be, and, by extension, to say about Emily's personality.

Well, by the time they got to post-production and had to make up their minds, Lively, at least, seemed to have had a pretty clear idea of what the art that hangs in Emily's living room for all to see should entail. So, not only is Emily naked in the picture, but the "obscene" nature of it, which Kendrick refers to in her interview with Pride Source, is actually because some very artful vagina is fully on display in said picture. And, again, this is hanging in Emily's living room, not hidden in the bedroom or some out of the way rec room. Clearly we are all in for quite a treat when it comes to Emily's bold personality. Any woman who's willing to show off her vag to casual company is no slouch when it comes to guts, confidence and a whole lot of other positive traits that might, occasionally, be taken too far.

Well, it won't be long now until we can see how Anna Kendrick's mommy vlogger Stephanie reacts to seeing all of her new friend Emily's how-do-ya-do on display before the classy young mother disappears from their small town. Considering the looks we've had at the movie from the trailer, though, something tells me that Blake Lively had the right idea when it came to the surprising portrait. A Simple Favor hits theaters on September 14, and be sure to check out our 2018 movie release schedule to see what else you can watch in the coming weeks.

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