New Glass Trailer Reveals Elijah's Evil Plot


New Glass Trailer Reveals Elijah's Evil Plot

Director M. Night Shymalan has always been synonymous with big twists, as all of his movies from Sixth Sense to 2016's Split have packed an extra punch during their respective endings. The latter essentially created a shared universe, as Bruce Willis' Unbreakable character David Dunn appeared, revealing the movies share the same setting, and are interconnected. A follow up titled Glass was quickly revealed, serving a a sequel to both Shyamalan movies.

While the first trailer for Glass helped set up the world of the movie, a new trailer helps highlight its plot. And it looks like a psychological thriller mixed with superhero blockbuster. Check it out.

There's a lot to unpack here, and it's all very exciting. But one thing is clear: all of Glass is not going to be set within the mental health facility that Sarah Paulson's character runs.

The new Glass trailer originally focuses on Samuel L. Jackson's Elijah Price aka Mr. Glass. The Unbreakable villain has apparently spent the past few decades in a mental facility, with Sarah Paulson's Dr. Ellie Staple keeping the easily injured genius heavily sedated. But once David Dunn (Bruce Willis) and Kevin Wendall Crumb (James McAvoy) are admitted to the same program, a spark lights inside the villain, and a plan begins to hatch.

Throughout the course of the new clip, it's revealed that Elijah Price wants to use the power of The Beast to expose superpowered individuals to the general public. Mr. Glass is a comic book aficionado, and fancies himself a supervillain of his own. His schemes orchestrated the events of Unbreakable, although Bruce Willis' character was ultimately able to bring him to task. But now that another super is in play, things are going to get more complicated.

It should be interesting to see how all the moving parts of Glass function, and how each of the characters are serviced in M. Night Shyamalan's upcoming crossover film. Will David become a bonafide superhero? How does Split's Casey (Anya Taylor-Joy) somehow get back involved in the conflict? Only time will tell.

Also featured in the new Glass trailer are two returning characters from Unbreakable. The first is Elijah's mother Mrs. Price, played by Charlayne Woodard. Momma Glass is still supporting her son and his gifts, despite his penchant for scheming and crimes. Also features is David's son Joseph (Spencer Treat Clark), who has grown up considerably since encouraging his father to embrace his new abilities in the 2000 movie.

Split's connection to Unbreakable was news even to its cast, as Anya Taylor-Joy had no idea about the twist ending, and her upcoming role in Glass. All eyes are on what M. Night Shyamalan will do with the ambitious project, and if it'll end up being as successful as its predecessors.

Glass will arrive in theaters on January 18, 2019. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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