JK Rowling Is Releasing Four New Harry Potter E-Books


JK Rowling Is Releasing Four New Harry Potter E-Books

There are few franchises quite as beloved as Harry Potter. What started with JK Rowling's acclaimed seven-book series has expanded to a massive property that includes movies, theme parks, and even a set of Broadway plays. Rowling is showing no signs of slowing down the Wizarding World, especially as the Universal theme parks add more attractions and the Fantastic Beasts franchise continues its tenure in theaters.

To the surprise and joy of the generations of Potterheads out there, it now looks like JK Rowling is releasing four new E-books set within the magical world of Harry Potter. While they're not sequels or focused on Harry and his friends, they'll shine a light on the history of magic within the canon.

The books are titled Harry Potter: A Journey Through... each focusing on a different aspect of Magical History: Divination, Magical Creatures, Potions & Herbology, and Charms/Defense Against The Dark Arts. The e-books are inspired by the British Library's Harry Potter exhibition, and the books about magical history which accompanied it.

This news comes to us from Pottermore, the go-to source for all things Harry Potter. The first of these new e-books will be available on June 27th, and Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Potions and Herbology will be the first two additions to the Wizarding World. Since it'll be some time before Fantastic Beasts 3 arrives in theaters, this is the perfect way to satiate the still rabid fanbase.

Since Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone hit bookshelves in 1997, JK Rowling's Wizarding World hasn't stopped capturing the imaginations of generations. The kids who waited for each of the seven books to arrive can now pass it down to their children. And with the Fantastic Beasts movies and Harry Potter And The Cursed Child continuing the narrative that began those decades ago, the franchise remains at the top of the pop culture lexicon.

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Movies, plays, and amusement parks are one thing, but the true magic (pun intended) of the franchise has always been on the page. The Harry Potter movies did a great job at adapting JK Rowling's novels, but the books are filled with much more detail, allowing the universe to be more fleshed out. As such, new literature usually flies off of shelves. And in this case, fly into tablets and smart phones.

Harry Potter: A Journey Through will give the fandom a chance to get deep into the lore of the Wizarding World, and explain some of the magical events from the Harry Potter franchise. Every self-respective Potterhead has been waiting for their letter from Hogwarts, so being able to get some magical education through the new e-books is an opportunity that few are going to pass on.

The first two Harry Potter: A Journey Through e-books will be available on June 27th, and Fantastic Beasts 3 is currently set to arrive on November 12th, 2021. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list.

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