Ryan Reynolds Hilariously Campaigns For Deadpool To Appear In The Fast And Furious Spinoff


Ryan Reynolds Hilariously Campaigns For Deadpool To Appear In The Fast And Furious Spinoff

The Fast and Furious franchise is about to get a hell of a lot faster and more furious with the hiring of John Wick director David Leitch to helm the Hobbs and Shaw spinoff. Leitch has become a hot commodity in the action movie realm recently, delivering the Charlize Theron-fronted Atomic Blonde last summer, and he's currently gearing up to release Deadpool 2 with Ryan Reynolds next month. Now it looks like Reynolds wants to keep working with him. In fact, ever the smartass, Reynolds took to social media to informally campaign for his Deadpool 2 director let him in on the Fast and Furious action, writing:

In all honesty, we kind of expect nothing less from Ryan Reynolds at this point. Always one to make a wise-ass comment in these situations, the Deadpool star hilariously suggested that David Leitch promised him a chance to appear in the Hobbs and Shaw spinoff as Deadpool to scold Dwayne Johnson's Hobbs for crashing a Nissan Sentra into an Olive Garden.

Ryan Reynolds did not get the last word on this topic. Not by a long shot. In fact, once his tweet about Deadpool crossing over with the Fast and Furious spinoff started to get some traction, Oliver Garden got in on the action with a tweet of its own.

As if that wasn't odd enough, the folks behind the Nissan Twitter account also chimed in on the matter, and it sounds like they just need a script and they will be good to go.

Of course, while common sense would seem to dictate that Ryan Reynolds' tweet probably won't happen (we do not even want to get into the rights issues that would arise if Deadpool showed up in this movie), it does not necessarily prevent Reynolds from showing up in the film. The actor clearly seems to have a strong rapport with David Leitch, so it does not seem entirely outside the realm of possibility to imagine that the filmmaker could find a small role for him. He might not wear the Deadpool outfit if he shows up, but we could still see him portraying a police chief who scolds Hobbs for crashing that Nissan.

David Leitch's Deadpool 2 will debut in theaters next month on May 18. From there, David Leitch's Hobbs and Shaw spinoff film will premiere next summer on July 26, 2019. If you are interested in seeing Ryan Reynolds show up in the Fast and Furious offshoot, then head to the comments section to tell us how you would want to see him appear!

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