The Shazam Movie May Include Even More Superheroes


The Shazam Movie May Include Even More Superheroes

DC might not be putting out as many movies as Marvel this year, but Warner Bros. is hard at work nailing down a film slate filled with potential projects. One of the only DC movies actively filming right now is Shazam!, which will introduce audiences to Billy Batson and his superhero alter ego. Not very much is known about the movie at this point, but internet detectives believe that Shazam! will introduce multiple superheroes in the form of the Shazam Family after reportedly spotting new actors on set.

Batman News got the tip that older actors may have been cast to play the adult versions of some of the kids in Shazam! Traditionally, Shazam has the ability to share his power with whoever he chooses, often transforming fellow kids into adult superheroes. He primarily did this with his sister Mary and his friend Freddy, turning them into Mary Marvel and Captain Marvel Jr., respectively. In the New 52 reboot, he turned his entire foster family into superheroes and many of these characters have been cast in Shazam!, so it's not so crazy to say that they could transform in the movie as well.

None of this is confirmed, so take it with a healthy grain of salt, but people on Twitter believe they have figured out which actor is playing whom in the movie. First up is Adam Brody, perhaps best known for his role in The O.C. He was spotted in Toronto recently (where Shazam! is filming) and some believe he is playing an older version of Freddy Freeman, who is played by Jack Dylan Grazer.

Ross Butler, most recently seen on Netflix's 13 Reasons Why, announced he was in Toronto via his Instagram. Butler would most likely be playing Ian Chen's character Eugene Choi and Butler happens to follow Chen, director David F. Sandberg, and Zachary Levi on Twitter (if that actually means something). Finally, D.J Cotrona (G.I. Joe: Retaliation) was reportedly spotted in the area, who could potentially be Pedro Pea, played by Jovan Armand.

Again, there's no official word on any of this casting from Warner Bros. but it makes sense that they'd keep it under wraps. The movie is primarily about Shazam, after all, and in the New 52 storyline, him giving his new family powers is the height of his arc. It also comes at the end of the story, so revealing that his family goes super could be a spoiler. Plus, it would take some attention away from Shazam himself.

We'll likely know more for certain as it gets closer to the April 5, 2019 release date of Shazam! For more information about the movie, be sure to check out everything we know so far about DC's newest hero.

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