See The First Look At Spider-Mans Stealth Costume From Far From Home


See The First Look At Spider-Mans Stealth Costume From Far From Home

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is in a fascinating place right now, as the future in the wake of Avengers: Infinity War is a total mystery. The studio is keeping its cards close to the chest, not revealing anything about Phase Four before Avengers 4 arrives in theaters to wrap up the current batch of films. One of the limited glimpses into the future is that Spider-Man: Far From Home will be the first movie in the next phase, picking up shortly after the events of Avengers 4.

While most of Far From Home is still a mystery, there are brief glimpses arriving, with a trailer reportedly not far away. Jon Watts' Marvel sequel is currently representing at Comic-Con Brazil, and revealed the first look at Spider-Man's new stealth suit. Check it out below.

Is anyone else's spider-senses acting up? This new suit is quite the departure from the handful of suits we've seen Tom Holland's Peter Parker in. And it has the potential to have big implications for the character, especially after he tragically faded to dust in Avengers: Infinity War.

This image comes to us from Redditor AMA_Leb_AMA who is attending Comic-Con Brazil, and a snapped a photo of Spider-Man's noir inspired suit from Far From Home. With so much of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's future a complete mystery to the fandom, they're eager to get any glimpse of what will happen after Thanos' finger snap of death. And while there's two more blockbusters before Spider-Man: Far From Home will arrive in theaters, the studio seems to understand the fan excitement, and the already strong feelings for Tom Holland's version of Spidey.

While the previous two Spider-Man franchises gave its title character one suit, the folks at the Marvel Cinematic Universe are clearly having fun playing with Peter Parker's equipment. Tony Stark's influence over the teenage character has resulted in each suit being equipped with plenty of awesome tech, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. While Spider-Man's suit in Homecoming included an AI system that monitored his work, he was given all the bells and whistles with Infinity War's Iron Spider suit.

The upcoming noir suit from Spider-Man: Far From Home looks like it may be getting back to basics, with Peter Parker having to rely on his own skills and abilities, without fancy gadgets like parachutes, a drone, and addition mechanical legs. Still, the new suit isn't like a homemade one Peter put together prior to Civil War. There's armor panels, and it's expertly crafted. So now the question is: who exactly made the thing?

Before we get any answers, Spider-Man is going to have to be revived from his fate in Avengers: Infinity War. Peter Parker was one of the many characters to fade to dust, with his death being the film's most emotional. The surviving Avengers will presumably find a way to bring back those who perished during Thanos' finger snap of death.

Spider-Man: Far From Home will arrive in theaters on July 5th, 2019, with Peter Parker presumably returning in Avengers 4 on May 3rd. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your trips to the movies in the New Year.

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